Identity Transformation and Posttraumatic Growth Following Traumatic Brain Injury and Posttraumatic Stress Disorder

Identity Transformation and Posttraumatic Growth Following Traumatic Brain Injury and Posttraumatic Stress Disorder

An Autoethnographic Inquiry

Genetti, Dee Phyllis

Taylor & Francis Ltd






15 a 20 dias

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Section I.Setting the Context. 1. Prelude of My Persona Pre-TBI. 2. Research Method of Autoethnography. Section II. Literature Review. 3. Posttraumatic Growth (PTG). 4. Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI). 5. Disability Culture and Disability Studies. Section III. Narrative: Journey of Recovery Post-TBI. 6. Years 1 and 2: Diagnosis. 7. Years 1 and 2: Loss of My Old Self. 8. Years 3 and 4: Neuropsychological Impairments and Altered Relationships. 9. Years 3 and 4: Life Coach & Begin Self-Discovery. 10. Years 3 and 4: Mental Health & Spiritual Decline. 11. Years 5 and 6: Self-Discovery & Community Integration. 12. Years 7 and Beyond: Valuing Life & Developing Wisdom. 13. Summary, Controversies & Clinical Implications. 14. References. 15. Appendix A: Externalized Thoughts Process Board/Map of My Dissertation. 16. Appendix B: Culture gram 1. Pre-Accident. 17. Appendix C: Culture gram 2. Two Years Post Accident. 18. Appendix D: Culture gram 3. Five Years Post Accident.
TBI;TBI Survivor;Posttraumatic Growth;Rancho Los Amigos Scale;Mild TBI;Speech Language Pathologists;Posttraumatic Growth Inventory;Ruminative Brooding;Co-occurring Ptsd;Brain Injury;Disability Culture;Car Crash;Organismic Valuing Theory;Autoethnographic Inquiry;Traumatic Brain Injury Unit;Rotator Cuff Torn;Posttraumatic Stress Disorder;Ptsd;PCS Symptom;Ptg;Brain Fog;TBI Symptom;Intrusive Rumination;Traumatic Closed Brain Injury;LOC