Hybrid Photography

Hybrid Photography

Intermedial Practices in Science and Humanities

Hillnhuetter, Sara; Klamm, Stefanie; Tietjen, Friedrich

Taylor & Francis Ltd





15 a 20 dias

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Introduction: Where Does Photography Start? And Where Does it End? A Hybrid Introduction

Sara Hillnhuetter, Stefanie Klamm, Friedrich Tietjen

Part 1: Hybrid Measurement

Sara Hillnhetter

1. Hybrid Photography in the History of Science: The Case of Astronomical Practice

Omar W. Nasim

2. The Map as a Photograph: Theodor Scheimpflug's Balloon Aerial Photogrammetry

Michael Kempf

3. Seen from Above: Wilhelm Halffter's Photographs of 1854, Depicting the Terrain Models of Hermann and Adolph Schlagintweit

Sigrid Schulze

4. In Order of Disappearance: Photography, Measurement and Art Historical Practice in Nineteenth-Century German

Sara Hillnhetter

Part 2: Hybrid Materiality

Stefanie Klamm

5. "Imageability": Aligning Bodies and Imaging Technologies

Kathrin Friedrich

6. Beyond Retouching: Hans Virchow's Mixed Media and His X-ray Drawings of the Lotus Foot

Vera Duenkel

7. From Photography to Printing: the Chronophotography of Etienne-Jules Marey

Linda Bertelli

8. Entangled Environments: Diorama, Photography, and the Staging of Natural Surroundings

Alexander Streitberger

9. Reconfiguring the Use of Photography in Archaeology

Stefanie Klamm

Part 3: Hybrid Reproduction

Friedrich Tietjen

10. "The Camera That Takes a Face, Can Take a Page": Microfilm as a Scientific Aid

Estelle Blaschke

11. Stereo Atlases as Hybrid Knowledge

Kelley Wilder

12. Retouching, Staging, and Authenticity: Early Animal Photography and the Tradition of Popular Zoological Illustration around 1900

Alexander Gall

13. "Offering Pleasures to the Eye." Max Semrau's Kunst des Altertums (1899), Its Illustrations, and Art History's Ignorance Towards Reproduction

Friedrich Tietjen

14. Fantasy of a World Without Humans

Jimena Canales
Plaster Of Paris;Digital photography;Henry Fox;Visual culture;Vice Versa;Photographic science;Die Gartenlaube;Aerial photography;Salt Paper;Hybrid photography;Intermedial Practices;Salt Paper Print;Planetary Nebulae;Exposure Times;Orion Nebula;Wood Engravings;Hybrid Reproduction;Etienne Jules Marey;Carte De Visite;Animal Kingdom;National Libraries;Neue Untersuchungen;Stereo Viewing;Habitat Diorama;Stereo Cards;Stereo Images;Computer Tomographs;Farm Security Administration;Monte Rosa;Henry Fox Talbot