Hybrid AC/DC Power Grids: Stability and Control Aspects

Hybrid AC/DC Power Grids: Stability and Control Aspects

Meegahapola, Lasantha; Gu, Mingchen; Bu, Siqi

Springer International Publishing AG






15 a 20 dias


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Chapter 1. Introduction.- Chapter 2. General Overview of Hybrid AC/DC Power Grids.- Chapter 3. Modelling, and Control of Hybrid AC/DC Power Grids.- Chapter 4. Small-Signal Stability of Hybrid AC/DC Power Grids.- Chapter 5. AC Voltage Stability and Control Aspects.- Chapter 6. DC Voltage Stability and Control Aspects.- Chapter 7. Frequency Stability and Control of Hybrid AC/DC Power Grids.- Chapter 8. Stability and Control under Low System Strength.- Chapter 9. Converter Driven Stability Issues and Analysis.- Chapter 10. Coordinated Control of Hybrid AC/DC Power Grids.- Appendix.
Hybrid ac/dc power grids;Voltage source converter;High voltage direct current;Multi-terminal direct current;Modular multilevel converter;Voltage stability;Frequency stability;Converter-driven stability;Oscillatory stability;Resonance