Higher Education, State Repression, and Neoliberal Reform in Nicaragua

Higher Education, State Repression, and Neoliberal Reform in Nicaragua

Reflections from a University under Fire

Silber, Irina Carlota; Cosgrove, Serena; Bellanger, Wendi

Taylor & Francis Ltd






15 a 20 dias


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Foreword by Florence E. Babb


Part 1: The Repressive and Neoliberal Context of Critical Higher Education in Nicaragua

1. The Manifesto of the Universidad Centroamericana (UCA)

2. The Impact of Neoliberal Reform and Repression on Higher Education in Nicaragua

Part 2: Professors and Students under Fire

3. Professors and the Accompaniment of University Student Struggles in Nicaragua

4. An Ethnography of the Classroom and the Daily Effects of Repression

5. Rhizomatic Solidarity for (Re)flourishing: UCA Graduate Perspectives on Education, Social Change, and Persistence amid Repression

Part 3: Solidarity and Implications beyond Nicaragua

6. Cyborg solidarity with Nicaragua and Digital/Analogue Entanglements

7. University Partnerships and Solidarity with Nicaragua

8. Lessons from Nicaragua for a Critical Higher Education


9. A Brief History of Violence in Nicaragua
Neoliberal reform;Neoliberalism;Neoliberal educational policy;State repression;State oppression;State terror;Militarization;Murillo-Orteg;State budget cuts;State sanctions;Neoliberal discourse;Academic capitalism;Corporatization of higher education;Standardization;Marketization;Coercive accountability;Universidad Centroamericana;UCA;Nicaragua;El Salvador;Jose Idiaquez;Critical ethnography;Activist anthropology;Fugitive anthropology;Liberatory practices;Contested space of the academy;Academic freedom;University autonomy;Higher education in Latin America;Higher education in the global south;Autoethnographic methodologies;Young Man;Fugitive;Indio;Seattle University;LASA;Somoza Dictatorship;Postwar;Central American Universities;Nicaraguan Government;UNO;Somoza Dynasty;Critical Higher Education;Biological Reserve;Supreme Electoral Council;United States;Roundabout;Society Of Jesus;Higher Education