Gentrification and Bilingual Education
Gentrification and Bilingual Education
A Texas TWBE School across Seven Years
Adams-Corral, Melissa; Palmer, Deborah K.; Cervantes-Soon, Claudia; Palmer, Deborah K.; Garcia-Mateus, Suzanne; Garcia-Mateus, Suzanne; Heiman, Dan; Kramer-Santamaria, Claudia; Milk-Bonilla, Christopher; Mott, Michelle
Lexington Books
15 a 20 dias
Chapter 2Espacios de confianza: Affectively and Systemically Resisting Color-blind Ideologies in TWBE Home-school Planning
Chapter 3"The Dual Language Program Changes Everything": The First Year of TWBE at Hillside and the (Re)negotiation of a School's Identity
Chapter 4"I feel it's not about ability, it's about power." Bilingual Teachers' Interpretation of a Gentrifying Two-way Immersion Program
Chapter 5"Tenemos que seguir nuestra cultura": Whiteness as Property at Hillside Elementary and Sam Houston Middle Schools
Chapter 6Spaces of Resistance, Hope, and Justice: Centering the Foundational Goal of Critical Consciousness at Hillside
Chapter 7From Tamales and Mole to Pizza and Pasta: Where Went the Neighborhood, So Goes the School
Chapter 8!Adelante!
Chapter 2Espacios de confianza: Affectively and Systemically Resisting Color-blind Ideologies in TWBE Home-school Planning
Chapter 3"The Dual Language Program Changes Everything": The First Year of TWBE at Hillside and the (Re)negotiation of a School's Identity
Chapter 4"I feel it's not about ability, it's about power." Bilingual Teachers' Interpretation of a Gentrifying Two-way Immersion Program
Chapter 5"Tenemos que seguir nuestra cultura": Whiteness as Property at Hillside Elementary and Sam Houston Middle Schools
Chapter 6Spaces of Resistance, Hope, and Justice: Centering the Foundational Goal of Critical Consciousness at Hillside
Chapter 7From Tamales and Mole to Pizza and Pasta: Where Went the Neighborhood, So Goes the School
Chapter 8!Adelante!