

The Real Differences Between Gen Z, Millennials, Gen X, Boomers, and Silents--And What They Mean for America's Future

Twenge, Jean M

Simon & Schuster





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Gen X; baby boomers; Greatest Generations; Silents; Gen Z; reality bites; millenials; generation gap; millenials vs boomers; aging; mental health; generational trauma; okay boomer; generational conflict; old people; young people; millennial parents; generation x; generation y; generation z; kids and technology; generation me; iGen; iPhone kids; Social media; Atlantic smartphone article; smartphone; post-millennial; depression and teens; smartphones and teens; smartphone dangers; parenting and technology; generation after millennials; the narcissism epidemic; the generation myth; a generation of sociopaths; generation of change; the trayvon generation; generation z unfiltered; tiktok; so the next generation will know; american culture; american society