Forced Migration

Forced Migration

The Impact of the Export Slave Trade on African Societies

Inikori, J.E.

Taylor & Francis Ltd






15 a 20 dias


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1. African Slavery and Other Forms of Social Oppression on the Upper Guinea Coast in the Context of the Atlantic Slave Trade Walter Rodney 2. The Role of Slavery in the Economic and Social History of Sahelo-Sudanic Africa Claude Meillassoux 3. Kayor and Baol: Senegalese Kingdoms and the Slave Trade in the Eighteenth Century Charles Becker and Victor Martin 4. The Import of Firearms into West Africa, 1750 to 1807: A Quantitative Analysis J.E. Inikori 5. Slavery and the Slave Trade in the Context of West African History J.D. Fage 6. The Oyo Yoruba and the Atlantic Trade, 1670 to 1830 Peter Morton-Williams 7. Effects of the Atlantic Slave Trade on Some West African Societies Albert van Dantzig 8. The Trade of Loango in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries Phyllis Martin 9. The Portuguese Slave Trade from Angola in the Eighteenth Century Herbert S. Klein 10. The Impact of the Slave Trade on East Central Africa in the Nineteenth Century Edward A. Alpers
Migration and slavery;The Middle Passage;The Atlantic slave trade;Export Slave Trade;Society and slavery;Atlantic Slave Trade;The international slave trade;Slave Trade;Export Slave;Young Men;Loango Coast;Gold Coast;Kilwa Kivinje;Eighteenth Century;West Africa;Lower Guinea;West African Society;Angolan Slave Trade;Sahelo Sudanic Zone;Castle Slaves;Portuguese East Africa;Mozambique;Mozambique Island;Slave Trade Era;Slave Coast;West African Sudan;Incorporated Company;African Slave Trade;West Central Africa;Al Hajj Umar