Faith of the Fathers

Faith of the Fathers

The Comprehensive History of Catholic Chaplains in the Civil War

McPherson, James M.; Miller, Robert J.

University of Notre Dame Press





15 a 20 dias

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Foreword by James McPherson

Introduction by Robert J. Miller

Introductory Essay by Catholic Chaplains in America Prior to the Civil War

Part 1. Troubled Times, Willing Men, Faithful Work

1. Pre-War Issues affecting Catholic Chaplains

2. Towards a Roster of Catholic Civil War Chaplains

3. The War-Time Ministry of Catholic Chaplains

Part 2. The Giants of Catholic Chaplaincy

4. The Original "Fighting Irish" - Notre Dame Chaplains

5. "God's Marines" - Jesuit Chaplains

6. Other Religious who Served as Chaplains

7. Prominent Diocesan Chaplains

Part 3. Difficult Situations and Unique Men

8. Catholic Hospital Chaplains

9. Chaplains for the Irish

10. Chaplains in the "West" - Mississippi and New Mexico

11. Unconventional Chaplains in Unique Situations

Part 4. From the Vantage Point of History

12. In Retrospect - Consequences, Challenges, Changes

13. Conclusions and Lessons


Appendix 1. American Civil War Bishops

Appendix 2. Statistics


US Catholic priests; Faith in the American Civil War; religious history in the U.S.; Holy Joes; United States history; Union Catholicism; Confederate Catholicism; did Catholics serve in the Civil War?