Examining Complex Intergroup Relations

Examining Complex Intergroup Relations

Through the Lens of Turkey

Cakal, Hueseyin; Husnu, Shenel

Taylor & Francis Ltd






15 a 20 dias


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List of Contributors


Editor's Introduction

Part I: Intergroup Relations: The Traditional Minorities

1 Fathoming Forgiveness: Armenians and Turks in Turkey

2 Perceptions of Discrimination and Social Contact among Alevis and Sunnis in Turkey: Findings from Two Field Studies

3 Disability and Discrimination: Microaggression Experiences of People with Disabilities in Turkey

4 How Does Culture Relate to Benevolent and Hostile Sexism?

5 Young People's Attitudes toward Old People: Prejudices, Stereotypes, Inter-group Evaluations, and Frequency of Contact

6 Missing the Good Old Days or Connecting to the Globe: Investigating Outgroup Attitudes through Collective Nostalgia and Global Identification

Part II: Intergroup Relations: The New Minorities

7 Acculturation and Adaptation of Syrian Refugees in Turkey: The Role of (Dis)Concordance of Acculturation Orientations and Identity Threat

8 Acceptance of Syrian Refugees in Turkey: The Roles of Perceived Threat, Intergroup Contact, Perceived Similarity, and Temporary Settlement

9 Identities and Attitudes Toward Syrian Refugees in Turkey

10 "Syrian" Refugees at the Gaze of Kurds and Arabs in Mardin: Understanding Social Representations and Acculturation Expectations from a Decolonial Approach

11 Extended Contact with Turks and Syrian Refugees' Intention to Migrate: The Mediating Roles of Ingroup and Outgroup Identification

12 Intergroup Contact Among Majority and Minority Status Groups in Turkey: Extending Theory and Practice

Part III: Intergroup Relations and Political Culture

13 The Social Representations of Peace and Attitudes towards Human Rights in Turkey

14 Military Coups, States of Emergency and Their Effects on Political Culture and National Identity in Turkey

15 Routes to Collective Action Among Opposition Voters: Testing Efficacy, Anger and Injustice in Turkey's Repeated Elections

16 Collective Action and in Turkey: What Do We Know and Where Do We Go Next?

17 Conclusion

Attitudes;intergroup contact;intergroup relations;prejudice;social change;beliefs;conflict;conflict resolution;communication;interpersonal;Turkey;Syria;Kurdish;politics;Syrian Refugees;Outgroup Attitudes;Negative Intergroup Contact;Negative Contact;Ingroup Identification;Social Dominance Orientation;Uncertainty Avoidance;Intergroup Anxiety;Negative Contact Experiences;HDP;Benevolent Sexism;Contact Quantity;Collective Action Tendencies;Hostile Sexism;Acculturation Orientations;Positive Intergroup Contact;Intergroup Contact Theory;Majority Group Members;Direct Positive Contact;Outgroup Members;Positive Contact;Imagined Intergroup Contact;Van Zomeren