Ethics, Law and Society

Ethics, Law and Society

Volume II

Gunning, Jennifer

Taylor & Francis Ltd





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Contents: Introduction, Jennifer Gunning, Soren Holm. Bioethics: Human tissue research, individual rights and bio-banks, Henriette Roscam Abbing; Umbilical cord cell banking: a surprisingly controversial issue, Jennifer Gunning; Assisted reproduction in the Republic of Ireland - A legal quagmire, Deirdre Madden; Practical ethics in search of a toolbox: Ethics of science and technology at the crossroads, Matthias Kaiser; The Meanings of Genetics, Yulia Egorova; Family Decision Making - A Victim to the Hegemony of Autonomy?, Soren Holm; Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children (ALSPAC): Ethical Process, Karen Birmingham and Michael Furmston. Ethics and Society: Restrictive or Engaging: redefining public health promotion, Andreas Hasman; Enemies of Mankind, Gerry Simpson; Conserving cultural material: ethical challenges for the conservator, David Watkinson; Farming and food research: participation and the public good, Tom Macmillan and Shaila Seshia; Do mention the war : children and media coverage of traumatic events, Maire Messenger Davies; Reducing Rights in the Name of Convention Compliance: Mental Health Law Reform and the New Human Rights Agenda, Philip Fennell; The Impact of Leadership on Public Policy in Africa: Problems and Opportunities, Kelechi A Kalu; The Child and family policy divide, Clem Henricson; Children and Family Breakdown, Gillian Douglas; The Impact of Discrimination on Children, Elspeth Webb; Building Resilience: Helping Vunerable Children Cope, Tony Newman. Business and Professional Ethics: The International Financial War Against Terrorism: Myths and reality, Donato Masciandro; Ethics and advertising, Geoffrey Klempner; Self regulation and the market for legal services, Richard Moorhead; Corporate responsibility for children's diets, Tom Macmillan, Elizabeth Dowler and David Archard; Do toy companies really care about children? evaluating the ethics of the toy industry, Steve Hogan. Commentaries: A taste of the Orange Revolution: Ukraine and the spirit of constitutionalism, Dr Jiri Priban; Seroxat - the power of the pharmaceutical industry. the case for a better way to research, licence and regulate medicines, Dr Sarah-Jane Richards; Doha developments: the July package and agriculture, Julian Kinderlerer and Christian Lopez Silva; Lawyers and ethicists should be careful when talking about the permission of torture, Soren Holm; You pays your money and you takes your choice?, Joy Wingfield; Life after death: my life after a heart and lung transplant, Nicola Langlands; The Human Rights Act: is it working, Phil Thomas; Rebuilding Iraq requires rule of law revival, Jason Soederblom; Expert witnesses on trial, Cathy Cobley and Dr Tom Sanders; Bhopal: the disaster continues, Peter Wells; Index.
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Cord Blood Banking;Andreas Hasman;BSE;Cathy Cobley;UN;Christian Lopez-Silva;Public Engagement;Clem Henricson;Private Cord Blood Banks;David Archard;Food Research;David Watkinson;Violating;Deirdre Madden;Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency;Donato Masciandaro;Toy Industry;Elizabeth Dowler;Extractive Elites;Elspeth Webb;CBU;Geoffrey Klempner;Cord Blood;Gerry Simpson;UK Food Standard Agency;Gillian Douglas;AHR;Henriette D.C. Roscam Abbing;UK Farming;Jason D. SDerblom;Adverse Withdrawal Effects;Jiri Priban;Lax Financial Regulations;Joy Wingfield;UK Diet;Julian Kinderlerer;Torture Terrorists;Karen Birmingham;IRB;Kelechi A. Kalu;Institutional Review Boards;Matthias Kaiser;UK Data Archive;Michael Furmston;IP Management;M?E Messenger Davies;Legal Services Commission;Nicola Langlands;Doha Development Agenda;Peter Wells;Philip A. Thomas;Philip Fennell;Richard Moorhead;Sarah-Jane Richards;Shaila Seshia;Stephen P. Hogan;SRen Holm;Tom Macmillan;Tom Sanders;Tony Newman;Yulia Egorova