Dr. Ibrahim Abdurrahman Farajaje

Dr. Ibrahim Abdurrahman Farajaje

A Legacy of Afrocentric, Decolonial, In-the-Life Theology and Bisexual Intersexional Philosophical Thought and Practice

Williams, H. "Herukhuti" Sharif

Taylor & Francis Ltd





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1. Breaking Silence: Toward an in-the-Life Theology 2. Seeds in My Soul: Memories of Ibrahim 3. Creating Change (1995) Keynote Speech 4. Sex Toys on the Altar 5. Andalusia and Beyond 6. Atzmotai: My self, My bones 7. Fictions of Purity 8. Power to Become Children of God: Remembering in-the-Life with a Johannine (Dis)Position 9. Forum II - Affirming Diversity: Promise and Challenge 10. A Tribute to Ibrahim Baba Farajaje: An Intersectional Perspective on Sexual Violence, Decolonization, and Standing Rock 11. Starr King School Symposium 2012: Ibrahim Farajaje Opening Sermon (Excerpt) 12. Celebrating Dr. Ibrahim Farajaje: A pioneer of Islamic studies 13. Remembering Our Wholeness: Starr King School for the Ministry 2015 Symposium Opening Remarks 14. The Closest Thing to God in a Body 15. Queer(y)ing Religious Education:Teaching the R(evolutionary) S(ub)Versions) or Relax! ... It's Just Religious Ed 16. Whatever Way Love's Camel Takes: Remembering Baba Ibrahim Farajaje 17. Holy Fuck 18. Oceans of Mercy: African American Sufi Muslims in the San Francisco Bay Area (2003) - A critical understanding/review of David Dezern and Ibrahim Abdurrahman Farajaje's Religious Documentary
Ibrahim Farajaje;Bisexual Philosophy;Multi-religiosity;Decolonization;Black Theology;Starr King;Hold;Vice Versa;Black Gays;Tattooed;Wo;USA;Standing Rock;Black Queer;Dakota Access Pipeline;Bisexual Men;Black Queer Man;Body Piercings;Black Bisexual Man;Young Man;African American Muslim;Sojourner Truth;Black LGBTQ;Holy Fuck;Bisexual Resource Center;Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender People;HIV Prevention;Dakota;African Slave Trade