Domestic Violence Against Men and Boys

Domestic Violence Against Men and Boys

Experiences of Male Victims of Intimate Partner Violence

Bates, Elizabeth A.; Taylor, Julie C.

Taylor & Francis Ltd






15 a 20 dias


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1. Introduction: The importance of this volume. 2. Men's Experiences of Female-Perpetrated Intimate Partner Violence. 3. Male Victims of Intimate Partner Violence: Challenges to current theory and practice. 4. Intimate Partner Violence in the Lives of Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Men. 5. In Their Own Words: The Impact of Intimate Partner Violence and Coercive Control on Male Victims. 6. Post-separation experiences of abuse. 7. Barriers to help-seeking for male victims of intimate partner violence. 8. Male victims of intimate partner violence: Experiences with help seeking. 9. Children's experiences of IPV: Men's retrospective accounts of IPV within the family home. 10. Fathers and Intimate Partner Violence: An Autoethnographic Analysis of Current Literature on Men's Experiences of Abuse Utilizing Children. 11. Domestic Violence Victimisation in Older Men. 12. Men's victimization in the wider family: Child-to-parent violence and sibling violence. 13. Supporting male victims and survivors. 14. Working with male victims in therapeutic settings. 15. "What's the point in talking about it, when I'm the one being punished for it?" Men as both perpetrator and victim of intimate partner violence. 16. Police and the Criminal Justice System: Responses to male victims. 17. Concluding thoughts: Future research directions and recommendations for practice.
Intimate Partner Violence;Male Victims;IPV Victimisation;IPV Experience;IPV Victim;Sexual IPV;IPV Perpetration;Physical IPV;Domestic Abuse;IPV;Sibling Violence;Experience IPV Victimisation;Elder Abuse;IPV Literature;Woman's IPV;Younger Men;Male Victimisation;False Allegations;Coercive Control;Duluth Model;Canadian General Social Survey;IDVA;Cts;IPV Perpetrator;IPV Exposure