Developing Iran

Developing Iran

Company Towns, Architecture, and the Global Powers

Soufiani, Hamidreza Mahboubi

Taylor & Francis Ltd





15 a 20 dias

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Introduction Part 1: Oil Industry and the British Empire 1. Iran's Oil Company Towns 2. Gachsaran Oil Company Town Part 2: Steel Industry and the Soviet Union 3. Arya Mehr Steel Complex 4. Aryashahr Steel Company Town Part 3: Copper Industry and the United States 5. Sarcheshmeh Copper Complex 6. Sarcheshmeh Copper Company Town
Iran;Architecture;Architectural history;Company towns;Modern nation-building;Postcolonial regionalism;Socialist univeralism;Middle eastern studies;Post war architecture;Modernism;Postwar;United States;Oil Towns;Selection Trust;Le Corbusier;CIAM;Drew's Work;Sarcheshmeh Copper;Pahlavi Monarchy;Copper Industry;Secretary Of State;Reza Shah;Pahlavi Government;Pahlavi Period;Wartime;Foreign Technical Experts;Le Corbusier's Works;Coolie Lines;Tropical Architecture;Operation Breakthrough;Modern Tropical Architecture;Copper Deposits;Colonial Administration;Burma Oil Company