Crystals for Psychic Self-Defense
Crystals for Psychic Self-Defense
145 Gemstones for Banishing, Binding, and Magickal Protection
Pearson, Nicholas
Inner Traditions Bear and Company
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Introduction Understanding Psychic Harm
Sources of Psychic Harm
Magickal Protection
The Aura
The Science of Psychic Self-Defense
How Crystals Help
Making the Most of This Book
1 Essential Crystal Wisdom
Crystal Energy Explained
Selecting Crystals
Safe Storage
Cultivating a Relationship
Cleansing Your Crystals
Exercises: Cleansing with Breath ? Cleansing with Sound ? Cleansing with Salt ? Cleansing with Clay
More Crystal Basics: Programming, Charging, and Activating
Exercises: Programming Crystals ? Charging Crystals ? Activating a Crystal ? Activating a Crystal Grid ? Making Elixirs
2 Clear as Crystal
The Importance of Spiritual Hygiene
Crystals for Energy Cleansing
Cleansing Your Space
Exercises: Cleansing with Smoke ? Cleansing with a Crystal Wand ? Elemental Cleansing and Consecration ? Lithium Spiral Grid ? Energy-Clearing Grid ? Household Cleansing and Protection Grid
Cleansing Yourself and Maintaining Personal Spiritual Hygiene
Exercises: Grounding Cord ? Heaven and Earth Meditation ? Light Bathing ? Selenite Sweep ? Energy Detox Tonic ? Aquamarine Water ? Quick Cleanse Layout ? Purification Array ? Banishing Ritual of the Precious Stones
3 Personal Protection
Carrying Crystals
Exercise: Protective Pouches
Wearing Crystals as Jewelry
Psychic Shields
Exercises: Conjuring Psychic Shields ? Cocoon of Light
Crystal Layouts for Protection
Exercises: Basic Protection Layout ? Tourmaline Cross ? Instant Protection ? Labradorite Star ? Invisibility Layout
4 Warding Your Space
The Mechanics of Warding
Historical Home Protection
Crystals for Warding
Where to Ward
Beyond the Home
Crystal Grids for the Home
Exercises: Angelic Protection ? Repelling Psychic Spies ? Conflict Resolution ? Fiery Wall of Protection
Warding Charms and Rituals
Exercises: Holey Stone Amulet ? Chalk and Slate Charm ? Salt and Crystal Ward ? Stone Anchor Spell ? Witch Bottle
5 Protection from Geopathic Stress and
Electromagnetic Pollution
Effects of Environmental Energies
Crystals for Countering Environmental Energies
Remedies for Environmental Harm
Exercises: Shungite Water ? Sodalite Elixir ? EMF Protection Elixir ? EMF Detox Layout ? Elemental Balance Grid ? Grid for Repairing Geopathic Stress
6 Combatting Psychic Attack
The Mechanics of Psychic Attack
Signs of Psychic Attack
Diagnosing Psychic Attack
Exercises: Casting Lots ? Pendulum Dowsing
Steps for Remediation
Crystals for Combatting Psychic Attack
Grids and Layouts for Combatting Psychic Attack
Exercises: Neutralizing Psychic Attack Layout ? Evil Eye Mandala ? Recovery Layout ? Releasing Fear Layout
Other Techniques
Exercises: Aura Repair Elixir ? Cord-Cutting ? Stone Limpia against the Evil Eye ? Staurolite Uncrossing Bath
7 Banishing, Binding, and Reversal Magick
Crystals for Banishing, Binding, and Reversal
Banishing Magick
Exercises: Banishing by Stone ? Banishing Grid
Binding Magick
Exercises: Binding Spell ? Tanglefoot Grid ? Selenite Defixio
Reversal Magick
Exercises: Hematite Mirror Cage Grid
? Smoky Quartz Reversal Spell
Offensive Magick
Exercise: Crystal Curse
8 Dealing with Spirits
Assessing the Situation
Understanding Exorcism
General Guidelines for Spirit Release
Crystals for Spirit Release
Grids and Rituals
Exercises: Ring of Amethyst ? Spirit Trap Spiral ? Spirit Release Grid ? One-Way Crystal Portal ? Sulfur and Salt Exorcism
9 Directory of Protection Crystals
Aegirine * Agate (Blue Lace Agate * Botswana Agate * Dulcote Agate * Fire Agate * Pigeon's Blood Agate * Shiva Eye Agate) * Amazonite * Amber * Amethyst (Chevron Amethyst * Smoky Amethyst) * Ammonite * Aquamarine * Aragonite * Arfvedsonite * Astrophyllite * Aventurine * Axinite * Barite * Basalt * Bloodstone * Boji Stones * Bronzite * Brucite * Calcite * Carnelian * Cassiterite * Catlinite * Cat's Eye * Celestite * Chalcedony * Chalk * Charoite * Chiastolite * Chlorite * Citrine * Clinoptilolite * Covellite * Danburite * Diamond * Dolomite * Emerald * Epidote * Ferberite * Flint * Fluorite * Galaxyite * Galena * Garnet * Granite (Graphic Granite) * Halite * Hanksite * Healer's Gold * Hematite * Herkimer Diamond * Holey Stone * Huebnerite * Hypersthene * Ilvaite * Isua Stone * Jade * Jasper (Bumblebee "Jasper" * Judy's Jasper * Red Jasper) * Jet * Kyanite * Labradorite * Lakelandite * Lapis Lace Onyx * Lapis Lazuli * Larvikite * Lepidolite * Luxullianite * Magnetite * Malachite * Marble (Isla Rose Marble * Highland Marble) * Mohawkite * Moonstone * Muscovite * Novaculite * Nunderite * Nuummite * Obsidian * Onyx * Opal * Orpiment * Peridot * Petrified Wood * Pietersite * Pinolith * Preseli Bluestone * Psilomelane * Purpurite * Pyrite * Pyrolusite * Quantum Quattro * Quartz (Faden Quartz * Phantom Quartz * Rutilated Quartz * Sulfur Quartz * Tibetan Quartz * Tourmalinated Quartz) * Rhodonite * Rose Quartz * Ruby * Sardonyx * Sarsen Stone * Schalenblende * Selenite * Septarian Nodule * Serpentine * Shungite * Siderite * Slate * Smoky Quartz (Smoky Elestial Quartz * Smoky Quartz with Hematite) * Sodalite * Sphalerite * Staurolite * Stibnite * Sugilite * Sulfur * Sunstone * Tantalite * Tektite * Tiger's Eye * Tiger Iron * Topaz * Tourmaline (Black Tourmaline * Brown Tourmaline * Pink Tourmaline) * Tugtupite * Turquoise * Unakite * Vivianite * Zircon
Conclusion Safe and Sound
About the Author
Sources of Psychic Harm
Magickal Protection
The Aura
The Science of Psychic Self-Defense
How Crystals Help
Making the Most of This Book
1 Essential Crystal Wisdom
Crystal Energy Explained
Selecting Crystals
Safe Storage
Cultivating a Relationship
Cleansing Your Crystals
Exercises: Cleansing with Breath ? Cleansing with Sound ? Cleansing with Salt ? Cleansing with Clay
More Crystal Basics: Programming, Charging, and Activating
Exercises: Programming Crystals ? Charging Crystals ? Activating a Crystal ? Activating a Crystal Grid ? Making Elixirs
2 Clear as Crystal
The Importance of Spiritual Hygiene
Crystals for Energy Cleansing
Cleansing Your Space
Exercises: Cleansing with Smoke ? Cleansing with a Crystal Wand ? Elemental Cleansing and Consecration ? Lithium Spiral Grid ? Energy-Clearing Grid ? Household Cleansing and Protection Grid
Cleansing Yourself and Maintaining Personal Spiritual Hygiene
Exercises: Grounding Cord ? Heaven and Earth Meditation ? Light Bathing ? Selenite Sweep ? Energy Detox Tonic ? Aquamarine Water ? Quick Cleanse Layout ? Purification Array ? Banishing Ritual of the Precious Stones
3 Personal Protection
Carrying Crystals
Exercise: Protective Pouches
Wearing Crystals as Jewelry
Psychic Shields
Exercises: Conjuring Psychic Shields ? Cocoon of Light
Crystal Layouts for Protection
Exercises: Basic Protection Layout ? Tourmaline Cross ? Instant Protection ? Labradorite Star ? Invisibility Layout
4 Warding Your Space
The Mechanics of Warding
Historical Home Protection
Crystals for Warding
Where to Ward
Beyond the Home
Crystal Grids for the Home
Exercises: Angelic Protection ? Repelling Psychic Spies ? Conflict Resolution ? Fiery Wall of Protection
Warding Charms and Rituals
Exercises: Holey Stone Amulet ? Chalk and Slate Charm ? Salt and Crystal Ward ? Stone Anchor Spell ? Witch Bottle
5 Protection from Geopathic Stress and
Electromagnetic Pollution
Effects of Environmental Energies
Crystals for Countering Environmental Energies
Remedies for Environmental Harm
Exercises: Shungite Water ? Sodalite Elixir ? EMF Protection Elixir ? EMF Detox Layout ? Elemental Balance Grid ? Grid for Repairing Geopathic Stress
6 Combatting Psychic Attack
The Mechanics of Psychic Attack
Signs of Psychic Attack
Diagnosing Psychic Attack
Exercises: Casting Lots ? Pendulum Dowsing
Steps for Remediation
Crystals for Combatting Psychic Attack
Grids and Layouts for Combatting Psychic Attack
Exercises: Neutralizing Psychic Attack Layout ? Evil Eye Mandala ? Recovery Layout ? Releasing Fear Layout
Other Techniques
Exercises: Aura Repair Elixir ? Cord-Cutting ? Stone Limpia against the Evil Eye ? Staurolite Uncrossing Bath
7 Banishing, Binding, and Reversal Magick
Crystals for Banishing, Binding, and Reversal
Banishing Magick
Exercises: Banishing by Stone ? Banishing Grid
Binding Magick
Exercises: Binding Spell ? Tanglefoot Grid ? Selenite Defixio
Reversal Magick
Exercises: Hematite Mirror Cage Grid
? Smoky Quartz Reversal Spell
Offensive Magick
Exercise: Crystal Curse
8 Dealing with Spirits
Assessing the Situation
Understanding Exorcism
General Guidelines for Spirit Release
Crystals for Spirit Release
Grids and Rituals
Exercises: Ring of Amethyst ? Spirit Trap Spiral ? Spirit Release Grid ? One-Way Crystal Portal ? Sulfur and Salt Exorcism
9 Directory of Protection Crystals
Aegirine * Agate (Blue Lace Agate * Botswana Agate * Dulcote Agate * Fire Agate * Pigeon's Blood Agate * Shiva Eye Agate) * Amazonite * Amber * Amethyst (Chevron Amethyst * Smoky Amethyst) * Ammonite * Aquamarine * Aragonite * Arfvedsonite * Astrophyllite * Aventurine * Axinite * Barite * Basalt * Bloodstone * Boji Stones * Bronzite * Brucite * Calcite * Carnelian * Cassiterite * Catlinite * Cat's Eye * Celestite * Chalcedony * Chalk * Charoite * Chiastolite * Chlorite * Citrine * Clinoptilolite * Covellite * Danburite * Diamond * Dolomite * Emerald * Epidote * Ferberite * Flint * Fluorite * Galaxyite * Galena * Garnet * Granite (Graphic Granite) * Halite * Hanksite * Healer's Gold * Hematite * Herkimer Diamond * Holey Stone * Huebnerite * Hypersthene * Ilvaite * Isua Stone * Jade * Jasper (Bumblebee "Jasper" * Judy's Jasper * Red Jasper) * Jet * Kyanite * Labradorite * Lakelandite * Lapis Lace Onyx * Lapis Lazuli * Larvikite * Lepidolite * Luxullianite * Magnetite * Malachite * Marble (Isla Rose Marble * Highland Marble) * Mohawkite * Moonstone * Muscovite * Novaculite * Nunderite * Nuummite * Obsidian * Onyx * Opal * Orpiment * Peridot * Petrified Wood * Pietersite * Pinolith * Preseli Bluestone * Psilomelane * Purpurite * Pyrite * Pyrolusite * Quantum Quattro * Quartz (Faden Quartz * Phantom Quartz * Rutilated Quartz * Sulfur Quartz * Tibetan Quartz * Tourmalinated Quartz) * Rhodonite * Rose Quartz * Ruby * Sardonyx * Sarsen Stone * Schalenblende * Selenite * Septarian Nodule * Serpentine * Shungite * Siderite * Slate * Smoky Quartz (Smoky Elestial Quartz * Smoky Quartz with Hematite) * Sodalite * Sphalerite * Staurolite * Stibnite * Sugilite * Sulfur * Sunstone * Tantalite * Tektite * Tiger's Eye * Tiger Iron * Topaz * Tourmaline (Black Tourmaline * Brown Tourmaline * Pink Tourmaline) * Tugtupite * Turquoise * Unakite * Vivianite * Zircon
Conclusion Safe and Sound
About the Author
Este título pertence ao(s) assunto(s) indicados(s). Para ver outros títulos clique no assunto desejado.
Introduction Understanding Psychic Harm
Sources of Psychic Harm
Magickal Protection
The Aura
The Science of Psychic Self-Defense
How Crystals Help
Making the Most of This Book
1 Essential Crystal Wisdom
Crystal Energy Explained
Selecting Crystals
Safe Storage
Cultivating a Relationship
Cleansing Your Crystals
Exercises: Cleansing with Breath ? Cleansing with Sound ? Cleansing with Salt ? Cleansing with Clay
More Crystal Basics: Programming, Charging, and Activating
Exercises: Programming Crystals ? Charging Crystals ? Activating a Crystal ? Activating a Crystal Grid ? Making Elixirs
2 Clear as Crystal
The Importance of Spiritual Hygiene
Crystals for Energy Cleansing
Cleansing Your Space
Exercises: Cleansing with Smoke ? Cleansing with a Crystal Wand ? Elemental Cleansing and Consecration ? Lithium Spiral Grid ? Energy-Clearing Grid ? Household Cleansing and Protection Grid
Cleansing Yourself and Maintaining Personal Spiritual Hygiene
Exercises: Grounding Cord ? Heaven and Earth Meditation ? Light Bathing ? Selenite Sweep ? Energy Detox Tonic ? Aquamarine Water ? Quick Cleanse Layout ? Purification Array ? Banishing Ritual of the Precious Stones
3 Personal Protection
Carrying Crystals
Exercise: Protective Pouches
Wearing Crystals as Jewelry
Psychic Shields
Exercises: Conjuring Psychic Shields ? Cocoon of Light
Crystal Layouts for Protection
Exercises: Basic Protection Layout ? Tourmaline Cross ? Instant Protection ? Labradorite Star ? Invisibility Layout
4 Warding Your Space
The Mechanics of Warding
Historical Home Protection
Crystals for Warding
Where to Ward
Beyond the Home
Crystal Grids for the Home
Exercises: Angelic Protection ? Repelling Psychic Spies ? Conflict Resolution ? Fiery Wall of Protection
Warding Charms and Rituals
Exercises: Holey Stone Amulet ? Chalk and Slate Charm ? Salt and Crystal Ward ? Stone Anchor Spell ? Witch Bottle
5 Protection from Geopathic Stress and
Electromagnetic Pollution
Effects of Environmental Energies
Crystals for Countering Environmental Energies
Remedies for Environmental Harm
Exercises: Shungite Water ? Sodalite Elixir ? EMF Protection Elixir ? EMF Detox Layout ? Elemental Balance Grid ? Grid for Repairing Geopathic Stress
6 Combatting Psychic Attack
The Mechanics of Psychic Attack
Signs of Psychic Attack
Diagnosing Psychic Attack
Exercises: Casting Lots ? Pendulum Dowsing
Steps for Remediation
Crystals for Combatting Psychic Attack
Grids and Layouts for Combatting Psychic Attack
Exercises: Neutralizing Psychic Attack Layout ? Evil Eye Mandala ? Recovery Layout ? Releasing Fear Layout
Other Techniques
Exercises: Aura Repair Elixir ? Cord-Cutting ? Stone Limpia against the Evil Eye ? Staurolite Uncrossing Bath
7 Banishing, Binding, and Reversal Magick
Crystals for Banishing, Binding, and Reversal
Banishing Magick
Exercises: Banishing by Stone ? Banishing Grid
Binding Magick
Exercises: Binding Spell ? Tanglefoot Grid ? Selenite Defixio
Reversal Magick
Exercises: Hematite Mirror Cage Grid
? Smoky Quartz Reversal Spell
Offensive Magick
Exercise: Crystal Curse
8 Dealing with Spirits
Assessing the Situation
Understanding Exorcism
General Guidelines for Spirit Release
Crystals for Spirit Release
Grids and Rituals
Exercises: Ring of Amethyst ? Spirit Trap Spiral ? Spirit Release Grid ? One-Way Crystal Portal ? Sulfur and Salt Exorcism
9 Directory of Protection Crystals
Aegirine * Agate (Blue Lace Agate * Botswana Agate * Dulcote Agate * Fire Agate * Pigeon's Blood Agate * Shiva Eye Agate) * Amazonite * Amber * Amethyst (Chevron Amethyst * Smoky Amethyst) * Ammonite * Aquamarine * Aragonite * Arfvedsonite * Astrophyllite * Aventurine * Axinite * Barite * Basalt * Bloodstone * Boji Stones * Bronzite * Brucite * Calcite * Carnelian * Cassiterite * Catlinite * Cat's Eye * Celestite * Chalcedony * Chalk * Charoite * Chiastolite * Chlorite * Citrine * Clinoptilolite * Covellite * Danburite * Diamond * Dolomite * Emerald * Epidote * Ferberite * Flint * Fluorite * Galaxyite * Galena * Garnet * Granite (Graphic Granite) * Halite * Hanksite * Healer's Gold * Hematite * Herkimer Diamond * Holey Stone * Huebnerite * Hypersthene * Ilvaite * Isua Stone * Jade * Jasper (Bumblebee "Jasper" * Judy's Jasper * Red Jasper) * Jet * Kyanite * Labradorite * Lakelandite * Lapis Lace Onyx * Lapis Lazuli * Larvikite * Lepidolite * Luxullianite * Magnetite * Malachite * Marble (Isla Rose Marble * Highland Marble) * Mohawkite * Moonstone * Muscovite * Novaculite * Nunderite * Nuummite * Obsidian * Onyx * Opal * Orpiment * Peridot * Petrified Wood * Pietersite * Pinolith * Preseli Bluestone * Psilomelane * Purpurite * Pyrite * Pyrolusite * Quantum Quattro * Quartz (Faden Quartz * Phantom Quartz * Rutilated Quartz * Sulfur Quartz * Tibetan Quartz * Tourmalinated Quartz) * Rhodonite * Rose Quartz * Ruby * Sardonyx * Sarsen Stone * Schalenblende * Selenite * Septarian Nodule * Serpentine * Shungite * Siderite * Slate * Smoky Quartz (Smoky Elestial Quartz * Smoky Quartz with Hematite) * Sodalite * Sphalerite * Staurolite * Stibnite * Sugilite * Sulfur * Sunstone * Tantalite * Tektite * Tiger's Eye * Tiger Iron * Topaz * Tourmaline (Black Tourmaline * Brown Tourmaline * Pink Tourmaline) * Tugtupite * Turquoise * Unakite * Vivianite * Zircon
Conclusion Safe and Sound
About the Author
Sources of Psychic Harm
Magickal Protection
The Aura
The Science of Psychic Self-Defense
How Crystals Help
Making the Most of This Book
1 Essential Crystal Wisdom
Crystal Energy Explained
Selecting Crystals
Safe Storage
Cultivating a Relationship
Cleansing Your Crystals
Exercises: Cleansing with Breath ? Cleansing with Sound ? Cleansing with Salt ? Cleansing with Clay
More Crystal Basics: Programming, Charging, and Activating
Exercises: Programming Crystals ? Charging Crystals ? Activating a Crystal ? Activating a Crystal Grid ? Making Elixirs
2 Clear as Crystal
The Importance of Spiritual Hygiene
Crystals for Energy Cleansing
Cleansing Your Space
Exercises: Cleansing with Smoke ? Cleansing with a Crystal Wand ? Elemental Cleansing and Consecration ? Lithium Spiral Grid ? Energy-Clearing Grid ? Household Cleansing and Protection Grid
Cleansing Yourself and Maintaining Personal Spiritual Hygiene
Exercises: Grounding Cord ? Heaven and Earth Meditation ? Light Bathing ? Selenite Sweep ? Energy Detox Tonic ? Aquamarine Water ? Quick Cleanse Layout ? Purification Array ? Banishing Ritual of the Precious Stones
3 Personal Protection
Carrying Crystals
Exercise: Protective Pouches
Wearing Crystals as Jewelry
Psychic Shields
Exercises: Conjuring Psychic Shields ? Cocoon of Light
Crystal Layouts for Protection
Exercises: Basic Protection Layout ? Tourmaline Cross ? Instant Protection ? Labradorite Star ? Invisibility Layout
4 Warding Your Space
The Mechanics of Warding
Historical Home Protection
Crystals for Warding
Where to Ward
Beyond the Home
Crystal Grids for the Home
Exercises: Angelic Protection ? Repelling Psychic Spies ? Conflict Resolution ? Fiery Wall of Protection
Warding Charms and Rituals
Exercises: Holey Stone Amulet ? Chalk and Slate Charm ? Salt and Crystal Ward ? Stone Anchor Spell ? Witch Bottle
5 Protection from Geopathic Stress and
Electromagnetic Pollution
Effects of Environmental Energies
Crystals for Countering Environmental Energies
Remedies for Environmental Harm
Exercises: Shungite Water ? Sodalite Elixir ? EMF Protection Elixir ? EMF Detox Layout ? Elemental Balance Grid ? Grid for Repairing Geopathic Stress
6 Combatting Psychic Attack
The Mechanics of Psychic Attack
Signs of Psychic Attack
Diagnosing Psychic Attack
Exercises: Casting Lots ? Pendulum Dowsing
Steps for Remediation
Crystals for Combatting Psychic Attack
Grids and Layouts for Combatting Psychic Attack
Exercises: Neutralizing Psychic Attack Layout ? Evil Eye Mandala ? Recovery Layout ? Releasing Fear Layout
Other Techniques
Exercises: Aura Repair Elixir ? Cord-Cutting ? Stone Limpia against the Evil Eye ? Staurolite Uncrossing Bath
7 Banishing, Binding, and Reversal Magick
Crystals for Banishing, Binding, and Reversal
Banishing Magick
Exercises: Banishing by Stone ? Banishing Grid
Binding Magick
Exercises: Binding Spell ? Tanglefoot Grid ? Selenite Defixio
Reversal Magick
Exercises: Hematite Mirror Cage Grid
? Smoky Quartz Reversal Spell
Offensive Magick
Exercise: Crystal Curse
8 Dealing with Spirits
Assessing the Situation
Understanding Exorcism
General Guidelines for Spirit Release
Crystals for Spirit Release
Grids and Rituals
Exercises: Ring of Amethyst ? Spirit Trap Spiral ? Spirit Release Grid ? One-Way Crystal Portal ? Sulfur and Salt Exorcism
9 Directory of Protection Crystals
Aegirine * Agate (Blue Lace Agate * Botswana Agate * Dulcote Agate * Fire Agate * Pigeon's Blood Agate * Shiva Eye Agate) * Amazonite * Amber * Amethyst (Chevron Amethyst * Smoky Amethyst) * Ammonite * Aquamarine * Aragonite * Arfvedsonite * Astrophyllite * Aventurine * Axinite * Barite * Basalt * Bloodstone * Boji Stones * Bronzite * Brucite * Calcite * Carnelian * Cassiterite * Catlinite * Cat's Eye * Celestite * Chalcedony * Chalk * Charoite * Chiastolite * Chlorite * Citrine * Clinoptilolite * Covellite * Danburite * Diamond * Dolomite * Emerald * Epidote * Ferberite * Flint * Fluorite * Galaxyite * Galena * Garnet * Granite (Graphic Granite) * Halite * Hanksite * Healer's Gold * Hematite * Herkimer Diamond * Holey Stone * Huebnerite * Hypersthene * Ilvaite * Isua Stone * Jade * Jasper (Bumblebee "Jasper" * Judy's Jasper * Red Jasper) * Jet * Kyanite * Labradorite * Lakelandite * Lapis Lace Onyx * Lapis Lazuli * Larvikite * Lepidolite * Luxullianite * Magnetite * Malachite * Marble (Isla Rose Marble * Highland Marble) * Mohawkite * Moonstone * Muscovite * Novaculite * Nunderite * Nuummite * Obsidian * Onyx * Opal * Orpiment * Peridot * Petrified Wood * Pietersite * Pinolith * Preseli Bluestone * Psilomelane * Purpurite * Pyrite * Pyrolusite * Quantum Quattro * Quartz (Faden Quartz * Phantom Quartz * Rutilated Quartz * Sulfur Quartz * Tibetan Quartz * Tourmalinated Quartz) * Rhodonite * Rose Quartz * Ruby * Sardonyx * Sarsen Stone * Schalenblende * Selenite * Septarian Nodule * Serpentine * Shungite * Siderite * Slate * Smoky Quartz (Smoky Elestial Quartz * Smoky Quartz with Hematite) * Sodalite * Sphalerite * Staurolite * Stibnite * Sugilite * Sulfur * Sunstone * Tantalite * Tektite * Tiger's Eye * Tiger Iron * Topaz * Tourmaline (Black Tourmaline * Brown Tourmaline * Pink Tourmaline) * Tugtupite * Turquoise * Unakite * Vivianite * Zircon
Conclusion Safe and Sound
About the Author
Este título pertence ao(s) assunto(s) indicados(s). Para ver outros títulos clique no assunto desejado.