Contentious Cities

Contentious Cities

Design and the Gendered Production of Space

Moore, Timothy; Bawden, Gene; Berry, Jess; Kalms, Nicole

Taylor & Francis Ltd






15 a 20 dias


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1. Introduction: Contentious Cities 2. Colonial Imaginaries Reimagined Preface: Indigenous Ways of Knowing - Brian Martin Visual Essay: 01 Collaboration in Action Part One: Sex on the Streets 3. Introduction: Sex on the Streets 4. Embodied Geographies: Navigating Street Harassment 5. Pornographication and Heterosexualisation in Public Space 6. (In)visible Sites of the Sex Industry: Massage Parlours and the Construction of Space 7. Gender Transport Inequalities in Malaysia and Pakistan: Barriers to Female Mobility 8. A Glitch in the System: Deconstructing JC Decaux: Decoding Suit Supply 9. Lived Experience: Participatory Practices for Gender Sensitive Places and Spaces Visual Essay: 02 Write Now Part Two: Histories of the Gendered City 10. Introduction: Histories of the Gendered City 11. The Non-Sexist City: Then and Now 12. Catwalking the City: The Pleasure and Politics of Fashioning the Metropolis 13. Butch on the Streets: The Butch Flaneur and the Queering of the City 14. Queering Tactics: Two Case Studies in Oakland, California Visual Essay: 03 The [Un]built Part Three: The Trouble with Queer Spaces 15. Introduction: The Trouble with Queer Spaces 16. Queering Architecture: Simona Castricum and Timothy Moore in Conversation 17. Beyond Design Education: Queering Pedagogies of Space 18. Beyond Queer Solidarity in Hong Kong: Migrant Domestic Workers and Trans Spaces 19. Negotiating Gender Diverse Realities Built on Binary Expectations: Public Toilets in Britain Visual Essay: 04 Co-Design Cover
Holding;women;Gender Diverse People;sociology;Queering Space;planning;Sex Industry;urban studies;Workshops;gender studies;Migrant Domestic Workers;gender;Non-sexist Cities;queer;Follow;public space;LGBTQ;spatial justice;Non-binary People;urban environment;Kalms;feminism;Gender Nonconforming People;design;Massage Parlours;architecture;Trans People;harassment;LGBT;theory;Future Practice;cities;Public Infrastructure;urban space;Trans Spaces;case studies;Butch Lesbian;mobility;Oral Histories;segregation;Participatory Co-design;resistance;Experience Street Harassment;heterosexualisation;Violate;Sex Industry Businesses;Pornographic Imagery