Community Food Initiatives

Community Food Initiatives

A Critical Reparative Approach

Veen, Esther; Morrow, Oona; Wahlen, Stefan

Taylor & Francis Ltd





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Chapter 1. A critical reparative approach towards understanding community food initiatives: Acknowledging hopes and troubles Part 1: CFIs addressing social injustices and inequalities in urban food Chapter 2. Caring in unequal worlds: tracing the hopes and troubles of Community Food Initiatives in Sydney Chapter 3. Understanding vulnerability and resilience of urban food initiatives in Morocco Chapter 4. Spaces of hope and realities beyond the fence: Experiences of urban food providers in South Africa Chapter 5. Good Food for All? Navigating tensions between environmental and social justice concerns in urban community food initiatives Part 2: Cooperatives, cooperation, and concerns in CFIs Chapter 6. Constraint and autonomy in the Swiss 'local contract farming' movement Chapter 7. Sustainability conventions in a local organic consumer cooperative in Norway: Hope and trouble of participants Chapter 8. The moral economy of community supported agriculture - hopes and troubles of farmers as community makers Part 3: Commensality, social gatherings and food knowledge in CFIs Chapter 9. White natures, colonial roots, walking tours, and the everyday Chapter 10. Eating (with) the other: Staging hope and trouble through culinary conviviality
community;food;food security;food waste;poverty;neoliberalism;justice;inclusion;nutrition;public health;Household Food Security Survey Module;Total Vulnerability Score;South African National Defence Force;EPA Grant;People Experiencing Food Insecurity;Community Food Initiatives;Social Reproduction;Community Support Agriculture Scheme;Agri Food System;Vice Versa;Moral Economy Perspective;CSA;Alternative Food Networks;FPC;Critical Food Studies;Les Jardins;Urban Agriculture;Food Sovereignty;Vulnerability Score;HFI;Happy Togetherness;CSA Member;CFC;CSA Farmer;AFI