Chicago Latina Trailblazers

Chicago Latina Trailblazers

Testimonios of Political Activism

Chico, Carmen; Giachello, Aida Luz Maisonet; Hernandez, Rita D.; Cerda, Maria B; Gutierrez, Elena R.; Castillo, Ana; Gonzales, Mary; Lopez, Ada Nivia; Villarreal Sosa, Leticia; Figueroa, Aracelis Flecha

University of Illinois Press





15 a 20 dias

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Frances Aparicio



Rita D. Hernandez, Elena R. Gutierrez, and Leticia Villarreal Sosa

1. Yo Soy India: A Native, a Fighter, an Indigenous

Guadalupe Reyes, 1918-2020

written by Mary Gonzales, daughter

2. CARPE DIEM "Seize the Day and Exploit Your Opportunities"

Mary Gonzales, 1941-Present

3. Mother to Family and Community

Carmen Mendoza, 1925-2000

written by Jim Hecimovich, son-in-law

4. The Accidental Public Servant: A Voice from Chicago's Southeast Side

Carmen Chico, 1929-Present

written by Carmen Chico and Cynthia Chico, daughter

5. Siempre en la Lucha

Maria B. Cerda, 1934-2020

written by Marta Cerda, daughter, and Leticia Villarreal Sosa, Ada Nivia Lopez, Aracelis Figueroa, and Rita D. Hernandez

6. If You Survive the Teas, You Can Survive Anything

Aracelis Flecha Figueroa, 1936-Present

7. The Journey

Elena Mulcahy, 1939-Present

8. Being Mexican Is Who I Am!

Carmen Velasquez, 1939-Present

9. Latina Health Visionary

Aida Luz Maisonet Giachello, 1945-Present

written by Rida D. Hernandez

10. Unfinished Business

Ada Nivia Lopez, 1947-Present

11. Chicana Lawyer

Virginia Martinez, 1949-Present

12. Ripples of Advocacy

Luz Maria B. Solis, 1951-Present

13. Creating a World without Fronteras

Emma Lozano, 1953-Present

written by Emma Lozano, Leticia Villarreal Sosa, Luz Maria Solis, and Rita D. Hernandez

14. The Audacity of a Dream

Ana Castillo, 1953-Present

written by Leticia Villarreal Sosa

15. Weaving the Tapestry: Legacies, Intersections, and the Future

Leticia Villarreal Sosa, Elena R. Gutierrez and Rita D. Hernandez



Este título pertence ao(s) assunto(s) indicados(s). Para ver outros títulos clique no assunto desejado.
Centro sin Fronteras; Adalberto Church; South Chicago; Pilsen; Little Village; Back of the Yards; Humboldt Park; West Town; Division Street; Mexican Aguila; 18th Street Development Corporation; El Valor; Esperanza School; Fiesta del Sol; National Museum of Mexican Art; National Puerto Rican of Arts and Culture; Alivio Medical Centers; Claretian Nuns and Priests; Villa Guadalupe Senior Housing; Villa Guadalupe Senior Services; El Pistolero; Elvira Arellano; United Lincoln Methodist Church; Telemundo; Latino Advisory Board to the Human Resources Advisory Committee; Health and Human Services; Claretian Medical Center; AFL-CIO; Ballet Folklorico de Mexico; Latino Institute; UNO; LARES; University of Illinois at Chicago's Advisory Council to the Urban Health Program; Institute of Medicine of Chicago; MALDEF; Mexican American Business and Professional Women's Club of Chicago; Illinois Primary Healthcare Association; National Science Foundation Project on Technological Progress and Quality of Life in South Chica