

A Celebration of our Feline Friends

Photopoulos, Julianna

Amber Books Ltd






15 a 20 dias


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WILD CATS Lion Tiger Leopards Snow leopard Clouded leopards Puma, or cougar, mountain lion (Puma concolor) Jaguarundi (Herpailurus yagouaroundi) Cheetah (Acinonyx jubatus) Ocelot (Leopardus pardalis) Andean mountain cat (Leopardus jacobita) Margay (Leopardus wiedii) Geoffroy's cat (Leopardus geoffroyi) Pampas cat (Leopardus colocola) Serval (Leptailurus serval) Caracal (Caracal caracal) - southern, northern, asiatic African golden cat (Caracal aurata) Lynx (Lynx canadensis) Bobcat (Lynx rufus) Leopard cat African wildcat

SHORTHAIR CATS Most cats have short hair - both wild and domestic. A hunting cat is more efficient in a short coat. Three main groups: British and American (these are round-headed cats, with short, dense, double-layered coats), and Oriental Shorthairs (short, fine coats with no woolly undercoat). - Moggies (unknown, non-pedigree breed/ mixed breed) - Aphrodite Giant - Cyprus - Donskoy or Don Sphynx - Dwelf - Lykoi - Minskin - Seychellois (not recognised worldwide, UK origin) - Sphynx - Ukrainian Levkoy - Peterbald - American Wirehair - Bambino - Cornish Rex - Devon Rex - German Rex - Lambkin - LaPerm - Korat (semi-long coat) - American Bobtail - American Curl - American ringtail (curled tail) - Abyssinian - American Shorthair - Arabian Mau - Asian - Australian Mist - Bengal - Bombay - Brazilian Shorthair - British Shorthair - Burmese - Burmilla - California Spangled - Chartreux - Chausie - Colorpoint Shorthair - Dragon Li or Chinese Li Hua - Egyptian Mau - European Shorthair - Exotic Shorthair - Foldex - Havana Brown - Mekong Bobtail - Ocicat - Ojos Azules - Oriental Bicolor - Oriental Shorthair - Pixie-bob - Raas - Russian Blue - Russian White, Russian Black and Russian Tabby - Sam Sawet - Savannah - Serengeti - Serrade Petit - Siamese (modern) - Singapura - Snowshoe - Thai Lilac, Thai Blue Point and Thai Lilac Point - Tonkinese - Toyger - Highlander - Japanese Bobtail - Korean Bobtail - Kurilian Bobtail or Kuril Islands Bobtail - Manx - Napoleon - Munchkin - Scottish Fold - Selkirk Rex

LONGHAIR CATS - Moggies (unknown, non-pedigree breed/ mixed breed) - Aphrodite Giant - Cyprus - Balinese - Chantilly-Tiffany - Cymric, Manx Longhair or Long-haired Manx - Himalayan or Colorpoint Persian - Javanese or Colorpoint Longhair - Norwegian Forest Cat - Persian (modern and traditional) - Ragamuffin or Liebling - Ragdoll - Somali - Turkish Vankedisi - York Chocolate - American Bobtail - American Curl - Tiffanie (formerly Asian longhair) - Birman - British Longhair - Nebelung - Oriental Longhair - Siberian or Siberian Forest Cat - Neva Masquerade (colorpoint variety of Siberian) - Turkish Angora - Turkish Van - Maine Coon - Highlander - Japanese Bobtail - Korean Bobtail - Kurilian Bobtail or Kuril Islands Bobtail - Manx - Napoleon - Munchkin - Scottish Fold - Selkirk Rex

CAT BEHAVIOUR - Social (e.g. scent rubbing), communicative, hunting and feeding, grooming (e.g. close-up of tongue), perching (balance) and walking (paws, claws), and mating behaviour; vision, hearing, smell, taste and touch of any breeds

KITTENS Cuteness, playfulness, fighting, friendships (with other kittens/ siblings, perhaps even with dogs), sleeping, feeding (teeth), agility, etc.
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