Camera Graeca: Photographs, Narratives, Materialities

Camera Graeca: Photographs, Narratives, Materialities

Hamilakis, Yannis; Papargyriou, Eleni; Carabott, Philip

Taylor & Francis Ltd






15 a 20 dias


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Part 1 Imag(in)ing the Nation: The three-way mirror: photography as record, mirror and model of Greek national identity. Greece as photograph: histories, photographies, theories. Photographing Greece in the 19th century: an overview. Doors into the past: W.J. Stillman (and Freud) on the Acropolis. Photographing the present, constructed with the past: Pascal Sebah's photographic mediation of modernisation in 19th-century Greece. Part 2 Photographic Narratives, Alternative Histories: The photographic and the archaeological: the 'other Acropolis'. Greece through the Stereoscope: constituting spectatorship through texts and images. Archaeology of refraction: temporality and subject in George Seferis's photographs. Textual contexts of consumption: the Greek literary photobook. Part 3 Photographic Matter-Realities: Photography as Propaganda: Once upon a time in Asia Minor: Arnold and Rosalind Toynbee's frames of the Greco-Turkish War in Anatolia (1919-1922). Nelly's iconography of Greece. War photographs re-used: an approach to the photograph collection of the Memorial Museum of the Battle of Sarandaporo. Part 4 Photographic Ethnographies: The Dispersal of Photographic Objects: From 'here and now' to 'there and then': reflections on fieldwork photography in the 1960s. Pictures of exile, memories of cohabitation: photography, space and social interaction in the island of Ikaria. Shepherds as images, shepherds with images: photographic (re)engagements in Sfakia, Crete. Projecting places: personal photographs, migration and the technology of (re)location.
yannis;hamilakis;eleni;papargyriou;benaki;museum;photographic;archive;unknown;Young Men;photographer;Girault De Prangey;Military Junta;Junta;National Library;Pavlos Melas;Osman Hamdi;Andrew Szegedy Maszak;Agro Industrial Areas;Eleni Papargyriou;Yannis Hamilakis;EAM;GU9 7PT;UFA;ELIA;Ancient Greece;Roland Barthes's Camera Lucida;Megali Idea;Communist Albania;Unknown Photographer;Henry Fox;Metaxas Regime;Stereoscopic Technology;Ancient Greek Material Culture;Joseph Philibert Girault De Prangey