Artistic Cartography and Design Explorations Towards the Pluriverse

Artistic Cartography and Design Explorations Towards the Pluriverse

Mikkonen, Enni; Sarantou, Melanie; Miettinen, Satu; Loschiavo dos Santos, Maria Cecilia

Taylor & Francis Ltd






15 a 20 dias


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Preface- Andrea W. Mignolo and Walter D. Mignolo

Foreword: The European Commission policy for promoting arts to tackle societal challenges and increase cohesion and inclusion- Christina Sarvani and Jarkko Siren

Introduction: Artistic cartographies and design explorations towards the pluriverse - Satu Miettinen, Enni Mikkonen, Maria Cecilia Loschiavo dos Santos and Melanie Sarantou
Section I: Pluriversal A/r/tographies

Record of a multispecies creative exploration in the austral forests - Mariluz Soto Hormazabal and Mauricio Tolosa

Dialogues for plurality-art-based exchange for strengthening youth's role as agents of change - Katri Konttinen, Enni Mikkonen & Mikko Ylisuvanto

Multiperspective take on pluriversal agenda in artistic research - Marija Griniuk, Daria Akimenko, Satu Miettinen, Heidi Pietarinen and Melanie Sarantou
A critical retrospective on whiteness in Possible Worlds video artwork - Mari Maekiranta and Outi Ylitapio-Maentylae

New genre Arctic art in the city of Rovaniemi: Promotion of de-Arctification and pluralism - Maria Huhmarniemi and Mirja Hiltunen

Expanding design narratives through handmade embroidery production: A dialogue with a community of women in Passira, Pernambuco, Brazil - Ana Julia Melo Almeida and Maria Cecilia Loschiavo dos Santos

Afrikana-burying colonial bones to harvest seeds and bouquets of plurality - Michelle Olga van Wyk
Section II: Design explorations towards the pluriverse

Excluding by design - Peter West

Knowledge plurality for greater university-community permeability: Experiences in art and design from fieldwork - Caoimhe Isha Beaule, Elisabeth Kaine, Etienne Levac, Anne Marchand and Jean-Francois Vachon

Other worlds are possible: Advanced computational and design thinking in South Auckland - Ricardo Sosa

Pluriverse perspectives in designing for a cultural heritage context in the digital age - Jonna Haekkilae, Siiri Paananen, Mari Suoheimo and Maija Maekikalli

Centring relationships more than humans and things: Translating design through the culture of the Far East - Namkyu Chun

Professionalised designing in between plural makings - Zhipeng Duan

Enacting plurality in designing social innovation: Developing a culturally grounded twenty-first-century leadership programme for a Cambodian context - Joyce Yee, Sovan Srun and Laura Smitheman
Section III The pluriverse of activism, diversity and accessibility

A history of design education in Brazil: A decolonial perspective - Julio Cesar Tamer Okabayashi and Maria Cecilia Loschiavo Dos Santos

Unveiling the layered structures of Youth Work - Ana Nuutinen and Enni Mikkonen

Making IMPACT: Visibility status in participatory projects - Teresa Torres De Eca and Angela Saldanha

Flag: A shared horizon - Heidi Pietarinen, Amna Qureshi and Melanie Sarantou

Ghost bike agency and urban culture through art activism - Eduardo Rumenig, Julio Talhari, Maria Cecilia L. Dos Santos and Luiz E.P.B.T. Dantas

Mediating social interaction through a chatbot to leverage the diversity of a community: Tensions, paradoxes, and opportunities - Amalia De Goetzen, Peter Kun, Luca Simeone, and Nicola Morelli
plurality;diverse;diversity;visual art;art history;arts-based methods;arts-based;design schools;neoliberal;capitalism;market;epistemology;mapping;navigating;maps;navigation;inclusion;power;methodology;marginalized;decolonising;decolonizing;white supremacy;whiteness;racism;race;collaborate;video art;Arctic;accessibility;Brazil;Chile;Finland;Australia;indigenous;South Korea;New Zealand;Aotearoa;Cambodia;China;Canada;research;Follow;Design Education;Face To Face;Timeless;Hometown;Youth Work;Ghost Bikes;Social Work Research;Decolonial Perspective;Literature Review;Art Based Research Method;Clips;Social Sculpture;Crab Apple Tree;Indigenous Sovereignty;Double Diamond;Patagonian Forests;Ishtar Gate;Digital Public Spaces;Artistic Research;World War Ii Memorial;Participatory Art;Digital Cartography;Genre Public Art;Plantae Kingdom