Applications of Mathematics in Science and Technology

Applications of Mathematics in Science and Technology

ESI, Ayhan; Sekar, M.; Kumar, R. Senthil; Hung, Bui Thanh

Taylor & Francis Ltd





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1. "Smart Village" Concept in Karabagh and Eastern Zangazur Economic Regions

2. Designing an Efficient and Scalable Oracle Database: Best Practices and Methodology

3. Graphical Representation of Human Development Index

4. Computer Network Design Problem

5. Application of Internet of Things (IOT) Technology in Smart Cities

6. Comprehensive Analysis of Diabetic Retinopathy Identification Using Deep Learning and Machine Learning Techniques

7. Research security issues in VPN technology

8. Hydrostatic pressure of a heterogeneous fluid, and the relationship between stationary and

non-stationary viscosity coefficient of liquids

9. An efficient power denso-optimized TRN generator by using clock gating and reconfigurable oscillators

10. Using information technologies in teaching mathematics

11. The rise of automated information search systems

12. Artificial intelligence (AI) in civil engineering and Tekla structures

13. Development of the electronic government concept: The experience of the Republic of Azerbaijan

14. New methods and applications in practice, quality, and scalable of database created using Oracle

15. Investments in Azerbaijan's electricity sector: Equilibrium price and marginal cost function

16. Strategies for the efficient use of Azerbaijan's oil and gas resources

17. Features of digital employment in the Republic of Uzbekistan

18. Environmental aspects of the transport sector

19. Detection and Classification of Abnormal Events from Surveillance Video using Random Forest

Algorithm and Compare the Accuracy with Decision Tree Algorithm

20. A productive utilization of investments allocated to the Silk Road's rebuilding

21. Green economy: How did COVID-19 affect the sustainable practices of Hilton Worldwide

and Marriott International?

22. Problems of transition to a green economy

23. Production of biohydrogen from hydrothermal pretreated green algae and comparison with

Laminaria digitata

24. Application perspectives of priority digital tools in ensuring sustainable macroeconomic balance of the insurance segment

25. Evaluation of customs-tariff regulation in Azerbaijan's container transport system and its impact on the environment

26. Externalities in the era of digitalization: Strategies for public internalization and sustainable revenue generation for structural transformation

27. Different approaches to the study of the category "Human capital" and analysis of its quantitative assessment

28. Priority solutions to problems of regulation of financial markets

29. Main directions of associative activity of Azerbaijan with world countries

30. State finance: The role of digital tax calculations in macroeconomics of Azerbaijan

31. The place of the concept of holistic tourism in domestic and foreign literature: A document analysis

32. A qualitative study on the influence of tourists on the formation of restaurant menu content

33. Design and analysis of lumped port perpendicular shape antenna directivity for 5G signal transmission in compare with W shape

34. An essential hybrid model for developing fuzzy rules in a specific malware identification and

detection system

35. Malicious transaction detection in Internet of Things networks using the Moth Blade Optimization and K Nearest Neighbor algorithms

36. An assessment on the utilization of machine learning for AI-driven fault identification in the industrial internet of things

37. An elegant and visually appealing way to enhance cutting-edge AI-driven simulated intelligence for the ever-changing e-commerce industry

38. A secured and safer digital malware classification using an enhanced and efficient deep learning-based approach

39. An assessment of the machine learning technique's design metrics for creating search engines

40. Examining the emerging threat of Phishing and DDoS attacks using Machine Learning models

41. Analysis on an enhanced safe and secured intrusion detection system with a machine learning


42. Robust lasb-based modified data stenography methods for large size content hiding capability

43. Proposed methods for evaluating shape-based identification techniques for identifying numbers using CNN

44. Tuberculosis identification and detection application using deep learning-cloud based web

45. An assessment on evaluation of image encryption techniques for practical applications in reliable multimedia applications

46. An innovative approach for classifying industrial components by integrating machine learning and image processing techniques

47. A rapid development in the banking industry for convolutional neural network-based signature


48. Recognition and endorsement of enhanced privacy preservation in cloud computing through the RPSM method

49. An IoT-based, two-tier comprehensive and affordable intrusion detection system for smart home security

50. An innovative method for information security that makes use of RC4 and LSB techniques

51. Developing and implementing cryptography and steganography to secure data for data hiding in images

52. Exploring video-based question processing by using graph transformation and complementing


53. Employing an innovative machine learning regression methods for cotton leaf disease detection

54. A dynamic data hiding method to encrypt cipher text for security-based image processing

55. Employing RSA based encryption by demonstrating a faster secured data system using Hadoop

distributed file system

56. A novel method for minimizing IoT network-based mobile edge cloud computing with big data analytics

57. An examination of the big data-based security solution for safeguarding the virtualized environment in cloud computing

58. Lightweight cryptography and multifactor authorization are used to design and evaluate a large-scale data Internet of Things system that is secure and scalable

59. Analysis on the deduplication of protected data using enhanced elliptical cryptography, load balancing, and associated support

60. A comparative study on the efficiency of machine learning techniques for recognizing malaria symptoms using microscopically image data

61. AI-driven cloud framework for IoT devices: Implementation and localization in indoor environment

62. SVM and MLP-based optimized resource allotment simulation and demonstrations for load balancing

63. A fundamental deep learning algorithm-based system for hidden images in steganography

64. A new algorithm for deducing user search intensities from feedback sessions

65. Android-based sign language conversion using message service system

66. Bioinformatics of athletes to record the cardiovascular issues through using KNN algorithm

67. IMBP-EDT: Intelligent multi HOP broadcast protocol for emergency data transmission services

68. Protocol models in emergency data transmission services: A survey

69. A study on business intelligence and its comparison with business analytics

70. IOT based smart blind stick using ultrasonic sensor

71. Job portal with chatbot using NLP with socket

72. Levying and anticipate of a structural project using our in-depth analysis process

73. Sales prediction using machine learning algorithms

74. Sustainable diligent blockchain for conventional storage

75. The authenticated key exchange protocols for resemblant network train systems

76. A study of the privacy and security implications of Ip geolocation, including potential risks to

individuals and organizations

77. Course material distribution system

78. Cyber forensics techniques for investigating cyber espionage attacks

79. Data aggregation method for wireless sensor networks to isolate an node

80. Detecting cyber defamation in social network using machine learning

81. Development of lung cancer detection using machine learning in a computer-aided diagnostic (CAD) system

82. Evaluating the effectiveness of ChatGPT in language translation and cross-lingual communication

83. Investigation of transfer learning for plant disease detection across different plant species

84. IOT based attendance system for schools and colleges using RFID reader

85. IoT based energy management using bidirectional visitor counter technique

86. Online shopping using Javascript

87. Social media network using socket Io algorithm

88. Erythrosine dye decolorization by sonolysis and its performance evaluation under varying pH conditions of thiazine dye

89. Synthesis and characterization of silver nanoparticles using listed novel essential oils for its anti-inflammatory efficiency in comparison with Diclofenac drug

90. Deep learning based Alzheimer's diseases identifier

91. Augmented reality analytics visualization engine

92. Data plugin detection and prevention technique on SQL injection attacks

93. Migration of employee database with data integrity using novel trickle approach compared over

replatforming technique in cloud

94. Design and comparison of RF analyses of an innovative SSE structure microstrip aerial using FR4 and arlon AD300A materials for S-band applications

95. Detecting the accurate moving objects in indoor stadium using you only look once algorithm compared with ResNet50

96. Improved accuracy in automatic deduction of cyberbullying using recurrent neural network and

compare accuracy with AdaBoost classification

97. Prediction of share market stock price using long short-term memory and compare accuracy with Gaussian algorithm

98. Accurate resume shortlisting using multi keyword scoring technique in comparison with K-nearest neighbor algorithm

99. An effective approach for prediction of sensors uncertainty in agriculture using maxima algorithm over linear regression algorithm

100. Comparison of accuracy for rapid automatic keyword extraction algorithm with term frequency

inverse document frequency to recast giant text into charts

101. An effective approach to accurately recast giant text using rapid automatic keyword extraction

algorithm in comparison with collaborative filtering algorithm

102. Comparison of accuracy for novel optical character recognition technique over K-nearest neighbor algorithm to extract text from image and video

103. Access time computation for malicious application prediction using you only look once V3-spatial pyramid pooling over single shot detector

104. Analysis of vehicle theft detection and enable alert signal using Novel ResNet-50 compared and Lasso regression with improved accuracy

105. Detection of cervical spine fracture using DenseNet121 and accuracy comparison with convolutional neural network

106. Recognition of masked face using Visual Geometry Group (VGG-16) algorithm in comparison with Long Short Term Memory (LSTM) algorithm for better detection

107. Recognizing and removal of hate speech from social media using Google Net Classifier in comparison with Bayesian Regression for improved accuracy

108. Elevating and protecting security for personal health records in cloud storage using tripledes compared over AES with better accuracy

109. A novel logistic regression algorithm compared with the random forest algorithm to improve the accuracy of predicting crashes in automated driving system cars

110. Analysis of machine learning techniques for moisture prediction using random forest and logistic regression to improve accuracy

111. A comparative analysis of the question and answer capabilities with the BERT token model algorithm compared with the Novel Roberta token model algorithm for improved accuracy

112. Efficient prediction of man-in-middle-attack in IOT device using Novel Convolutional Neural Network compared with Google Net with improved accuracy

113. Accuracy of comparing the effectiveness of AlexNet and support vector machine in predicting PCOD in women

114. Prediction of accuracy for highest bid of products in online auction system using support vector machine in comparison with K-means clustering

115. Forecasting sales for big mart using NovelXGBoost algorithm in comparison of accuracy with linear regression

116. Analysis of restaurant reviews using novel hybrid approach algorithm over support vector machine algorithm with improved accuracy

117. Effective prediction of IPL outcome matches to improve accuracy using novel random forest algorithm compared over logistic regression

118. To contrast novel random forest algorithm over gradient boosting classifier algorithm to improve accuracy in predicting the IPL outcome matches

119. Comparison of hybrid regression model with smoothed moving average model for demand forecasting of product

120. Comparison of improved XGBoost algorithm with random forest regression to determine

the prediction of the mobile price

121. Efficient of cursive character recognition in IOT using CNN compared with ANN with improved


122. An efficient treatment for cherry tree disease using the random forest classifier comparison with the decision tree algorithm

123. Detecting aquatic debris on ocean surfaces using AlexNet algorithm compared with the GoogleNet algorithm

124. Determining the accuracy in examining the human lifespan by using Novel K-Nearest neighbor algorithm comparing with RIPPER algorithm

125. A comparative analysis of the performance of XGBoost and the gradient boosting for predicting sales at large supermarkets

126. Analysis of a recurrent time delay neural network and Gaussian Naive-Bayes algorithms for effective flood prediction techniques using accuracy

127. Detection of player movements in indoor stadium using you only look once algorithm compared with GoogleNet algorithm

128. An innovative multiauthority attribute based signcryption using advanced encryption standard algorithm comparing with Fernet algorithm to enhance accuracy

129. Prediction of locational electricity marginal prices with improved accuracy by using the Lasso

algorithm over linear regression algorithm

130. Comparison of accuracy using novel artificial neural network model over logistic regression approach for flood prediction

131. Blind face image restoration using novel generative adversarial network V3 in comparison with deep face dictionary network to improve naturalness image quality evaluator score

132. Comparison of generative adversarial network v3 with Gan Prior Embedded Network in blind face image restoration to improve naturalness image quality evaluator score

133. Improving execution rate in cloud task scheduling using Novel Hybrid Genetic algorithm over

optimization scheduling algorithm

134. Enhanced speed bump detection system for driver assistance system (DAS) using Otsu's threshold over adaptive Gaussian threshold for higher accuracy

135. Automatic masked face recognition and detection using recurrent neural network compared with linear discriminant analysis to enhance accuracy

136. Enhancing accuracy in predicting forgery analysis on basis of fake reviews in comparison of in

E-commerce platform by comparison of novel multilayer perceptron over random forest algorithm

137. Determining the enhancement of fake reviews by comparing novel MultiLayer perceptron and gradient boosting algorithm in predicting forgery analysis in E-commerce application

138. Accurate usage analysis of a specific product based on Twitter user comments using random tree algorithm compared with AdaboostM1 algorithm

139. Enhancing accuracy of innovative topic modeling of cinema reviews in Twitter data through Latent Dirichlet Allocation in comparing non-negative matrix factorization

140. Improving the accuracy of cinema review topic modeling on Twitter with parallel latent Dirichlet allocation and latent Dirichlet allocation

141. Modeling and analysis of the return loss and gain performances of innovative meander-loaded

triangular antenna and OCSRR-embedded triangular antenna for low-frequency applications

142. Braille character recognition for blind people using MobileNet compared with LSTM model

143. ILS: Robust design of artificial intelligence assisted diabetic retinopathy prediction using improved learning scheme

144. Improved artificial intelligence oriented deep learning based melanoma detection scheme with advanced prediction principle

145. A study on flexible behavior of ultra-high-performance fiber-reinforced concrete composite panels

146. A comprehensive approach to image cartoonization using edge detection and morphological


147. User based E-commerce feature prediction using RNN

148. Leveraging recurrent neural networks and capsule networks for time-series forecasting with

multi-source data fusion

149. Investigation of seismic performance of reinforced concrete shear walls

150. Leveraging AI and blockchain in MANETs to enhance smart City infrastructure and autonomous

vehicular networks

151. Developing a chatbot using an ensemble of deep learning and neural networks

152. Optimizing agricultural water management through IoT-enabled smart irrigation system

153. An examination of the process of creating a fault-tolerant resource scheduling approach for a cloud environment

154. Design and implementation of a sensor-integrated IOT system for enhanced crop monitoring and management

155. Integrating machine learning and data lakes for improving predictive maintenance and industrial IoT applications

156. Deploying cloud computing and data warehousing to optimize supply chain management and retail analytics

157. Comparative toxicity of herbal extracts of Terminalia chebula Retz. and chemical pesticide cypermethrin against aquatic mosquito predators

158. Advanced crop recommendation using firefly algorithm with fuzzy weighted convolutional neural network: A hybrid algorithmic solution

159. Hyperparameter-tuned Alexnet for automatic classification of medicinal plant leaves using enhanced fuzzy possibilistic C-means clustering

160. Analyzing the performance of the three-phase inverter using SVPWM technique

161. Enhanced data security and privacy in healthcare using a new secentralized blockchain architecture

162. Study of THD reduction in voltage source inverter with PI controller against variation in loads and unexpected input

163. A prototype of solar powered smart dustbin

164. Enhanced performance of photovoltaic systems with LUO converter and modified P and O tracking algorithm

165. A prototype of an automatic baby cradle powered by solar energy

166. Green sea ports-A futuristic idea

167. Space allocation monitoring based on sensors

168. Real-time sag detection and line stand fall protection for overhead transmission lines

169. Enhancing load frequency control in interconnected power systems using PSO-tuned PI controller

170. Strategies and policies for sustainable natural energy resource management

171. Comparative in silico analysis of peroxidase gene family present in arabidopsis, rice, poplar and orange plants

172. Representation of entrepreneurs success and failure in a sustainable energy sector: A case study

173. Evaluation of friction stir welds by ultrasonic inspection technique for Al 7075 and Al 7068

174. Numerical and non-destructive analysis of an aluminum-CFRP hybrid 3D structure

175. Academic transition towards digital architecture in Papua New Guinea

176. PNG defence force officially introduced force 2030 doctrine as a pivotal component of its forthcoming strategic framework

177. Investigating the root cause of high-water consumption in bottle washing equipment: A case study

178. Investigation of Absent Imprints in Laser Date Coding for Cans

179. Experiment on the impact of resin matrix under static and fatigue stress in basalt fiber reinforced polymer composites

180. Characterization of polymer ceramic composite materials for orthopedic applications

181. Experimental study on ultra-high-performance fibre reinforced concrete beams

182. Optimizing CNN architecture for facial emotion recognition: Experimental evaluation and parameter tuning

183. Computational screening of the lead compounds for obesity by targeting human FTO mutant E234P with various ligand library using in-silico approach

184. Optimal approach to enhance accuracy in detection of acral lentiginous melanoma by random forest and in comparison with Naive Bayes algorithm

185. Analyzing security vulnerabilities in consumer IOT applications using Twofish encryption algorithms comparing with DES algorithm

186. Bacterial lipase enzyme production by Bacillus licheniformis MTCC8725 in solid-state fermentation by comparison of coconut oil and olive oil as substrates

187. Comparison of biogas production from the anaerobic treatment of Cauliflower stem with Cow dung in biodigester

188. Comparison of biogas production from the anaerobic treatment of corn starch waste with cow dung in the biodigester

189. Cr(VI) removal from simulated wastewater using HCl modified biochar of Wodyetia bifurcata seeds in comparison with commercial activated carbon

190. Comparative analysis of sonolysis performance in demineralizing ammonium lauryl sulfate for

sustainable environment against cetyl alcohol

191. Performance evaluation of sonolysis in demineralizing toxic cetyl alcohol under standard conditions against sodium laureth sulfate for sustainable environment

192. Production of biobutanol from pre-treated Syzygium cumini and comparison with sugarcane straw

193. Comparison of biogas production from the anaerobic treatment of animal waste with cow dung in the biodigester

194. Production and characterization of saw dust briquettes from Azadirachta indica using rice husk as binder in comparison with Melicia Elcelsa
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Algorithm;Green economy;Digital tools