Allegiance in Church and State

Allegiance in Church and State

The Problem of the Nonjurors in the English Revolution

Hawkins, L.M.

Taylor & Francis Ltd





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1. The Background 2. The Nonjuring Church 3. The Origin and Aims of Monarchical Government 4. Sovereignty 5. Church and State 6. Charles Leslie 7. Later Developments of Anglo-Catholic Political Theory
Dissent;English revolution;Political protest;Political upheaval;Protest;Protest movements;Revolution;Revolution in England;Uprising;Violent protest;Caroline Divines;Agnostics;Temporal Estates;George Hickes;Passive Obedience;God's Vicegerent;Archbishop Sancroft;High Church Party;Benjamin Hoadly;Nonjuring Bishops;Exclusion Bills;Violate;Basilikon Doron;High Church Principles;Anglican Political Theory;High Churchmen;Bloody Assize;Definite Acceptance;Church State Relationships;Enabling Act;Advocatus Diaboli;Spiritual Society;Strange Humour;Societas Perfecta;Jolly Swearers