Critical Companion to the 'Mirrors for Princes' Literature

Critical Companion to the 'Mirrors for Princes' Literature

Perret, Noelle-Laetitia; Pequignot, Stephane







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Notes on Contributors


?Stephane Pequignot and Noelle-Laetitia Perret

PART 1: Mapping the Mirrors of Princes' Traditions

1 Ideal Models and Anti-Models of Kingship in Ancient Greek Literature: Mirror of Princes from Homer to Marcus Aurelius

?John R. Lenz

2 Greek and Roman Writers on the Virtues of Good Rulers: Praise, Instruction, and Constraint

?Tom Stevenson

3 Carolingian Mirrors for Princes: Texts, Contents, Impact

?Karl Ubl

4 Byzantine Mirrors for Princes: An Overview

?Guenter Prinzing

5 The Conception of Power in Islam: Persian Mirrors of Princes and Sunni Theories (11th-14th Centuries)

?Denise Aigle

6 Western Medieval Specula, c. 1150-c. 1450

?Charles F. Briggs and Cary J. Nederman

7 Refutation, Parody, Annihilation: The End of the Mirror for Princes in Machiavelli, Vettori and Guicciardini

?Volker Reinhardt

8 Specula Principum and the Wise Governor in the Renaissance

?Sylvene Edouard

PART 2: The "Making of", the Circulation and Uses of the Mirrors of Princes - A Thought in Motion

9 The Influence of Aristotle's Thought on Arab Political-Philosophical Ideas

?Makram Abbes

10 The Arabic Mirrors for Princes as Witnesses to the Evolution of Political Thought

?Makram Abbes

11 Royal Power and Its Regulations: Narratives of Harun al-Rashid in Three Mirrors for Princes

?Louise Marlow

12 The Pseudo-Aristotelian Secret of Secrets as a Mirror of Princes: A Cautionary Tale

?Steven J. Williams

13 The Castilian Versions of the Pseudo-Aristotle's Secretum secretorum and French Versions of Giles of Rome's De regimine principum (13th-16th Centuries)

?A Comparative Perspective

?Hugo Bizzarri and Noelle-Laetitia Perret

14 The Relation between Wisdom Literature, Law, and the Mirrors of Princes: Castile and Sweden

?Olivier Biaggini and Corinne Peneau

15 The Use of Mirrors of Princes

?Hans-Joachim Schmidt

Conclusion: Mirrors for Princes and the Development of Reflections on the State

?Jean-Philippe Genet

byzantine world; comparative history; education of the prince; global history; islam; late antiquity; manuscripts; medieval; medieval west; middle ages; mirrors for princes; mirrors of princes; modern times; political thought; politics and diplomacy; social history