Water Lore

Water Lore

Practice, Place and Poetics

Rouliere, Camille; Egerer, Claudia

Taylor & Francis Ltd






15 a 20 dias


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Foreword: 'Salt Water Kin'

Jill Jones

Introduction: Flux and Change

Claudia Egerer and Camille Rouliere


Water Stories

1. Sapphire stories: Disenchantment and sense of wonder in the underwater world

Karin Dirke

2. Imaginings of water: Anthropocene waters and the entanglement of the living

Claudia Egerer

3. The blue anthropocene and the oceanic south: Reading containerisation and inundation diffractively

Meg Samuelson

4. Poetic economies of Walden: Keeping current(cy)

Diane P Freedman

5. Salt, water and sound: Translations from the Murray Mouth

Camille Rouliere

6. The wild edge: A language for coastal landscapes

Nicole Larkin

Part II

Water law and lore

7. The WaterLore project: Mapping the sacred in cultural waters

Gini Lee

8. Te Mana o te Wai: Relating to and through the charisma of water

Dan Hikuroa and Billie Lythberg

9. Divining

Stephen Muecke

10. Water remembers: Drowning colonialism and swimming in wealth

Brandy Nalani McDougall

11. The weight of river stones

Ali Gumillya Baker, Faye Rosas Blanch and Simone Ulalka Tur

Part III

(Re)imagining waters

12. Call-and-response writing on water

Louise Boscacci and Pip Newling

13. Fresh water, salt water: Socially engaged art, collaboration and the environment

Kim Williams and Lucas Ihlein

14. Storied matter

Deborah Wardle

15. New perspectives on water significance: Joining art and science to communicate water ecology

Anastasia Tyurina

16. I am phytoplankton

Kassandra Bossell

Afterword: 'if we stand...'

Em Koenig
Este título pertence ao(s) assunto(s) indicados(s). Para ver outros títulos clique no assunto desejado.
cultural construction;water;humanities perspective;contemporary environmental challenges;scientific;symbolic;material;Australian South Sea Islander;Barron River;Water Lore;Whanganui River;Public Engagement;David Unaipon;Great Artesian Basin;Climate Fiction;Te Awa;Great Barrier Reef;Darling River;Life Forms;Stem Practitioner;American Settler Colonialism;Oceanic Immersion;Te Awa Tupua;Kettle Pond;Sea Water;Wind Mill;JM Coetzee;Ion Idriess;National Geographic Magazine;Animal Kingdom;Species Specific Idea