Video-Based Aural Rehabilitation Guide

Video-Based Aural Rehabilitation Guide

Enhancing Communication in Children and Adults Who Are Deaf and Hard of Hearing

Daniel, Linda L.; Bharadwaj, Sneha V.

Plural Publishing Inc





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Chapter 1. Overview of Aural Rehabilitation
Susan Allen, Sneha V. Bharadwaj, and Linda L. Daniel
Learning Objectives
Terminology Related to Hearing Loss
Overview of Anatomy and Physiology of the Auditory System
Anatomy of the Auditory System
Physiology of the Auditory System
Brief Review of Audiology
Etiology of Hearing Loss
Diagnosis of Hearing Loss
Overview of Basic Audiometry: A Test Battery Approach
Air-Conduction and Bone-Conduction Audiometry
Speech Audiometry
Audiogram Interpretation
Additional Tests
Severity of Hearing Loss and Access to the Speech Spectrum
Severity of Hearing Loss
Speech Acoustics
Classification of Hearing Loss
Types of Hearing Loss
Peripheral vs Central Hearing Loss
Conductive Hearing Loss
Sensorineural Hearing Loss
Mixed Hearing Loss
Hidden Hearing Loss
Central Hearing Loss
Age of Onset
Congenital Hearing Loss vs Acquired Hearing Loss
Age of Onset of Hearing Loss Relative to Language Development
Prelinguistic vs Postlinguistic Hearing Loss
Implications of Hearing Loss
Auditory Deprivation
Brain Organization
Speech Recognition
Speech Production
Language Development
Language Deprivation
Interprofessional Practice and Collaboration
Treatment Options for Persons who are DHH
Cultural Diversity
Deaf Culture
Communication Modes
Scope of Aural Rehabilitation Services
Knowledge Base and Scope of Practice
Knowledge Base
Aural Rehabilitation Services for Children and Adults
Professionals, Credentials, and Service Delivery Setting
Ethical Considerations
Evidence-Based Practice
Impact of Hearing Loss on the Individual: The International Classification of Functioning, Disability, and Health
Caregiver/Parental Advocacy
Self-Advocacy in Children
Self-Advocacy in Adults
Spotlight on a Family of Four with Profound Prelinguistic Hearing Loss: Parental Advocacy
Recommended Internet Sites for Further Learning
Study Questions
Answer Key

Chapter 2. Hearing Aids and Hearing Assistive Technology Systems
Amyn Amlani, Sneha Bharadwaj, and Kathryn Wiseman
Learning Objectives
Candidacy and Selection for Prescription Hearing Aids
Assessing Communication Needs and Goals
Hearing Aid Fitting in Children
Case History
Audiologic Assessment
Hearing Aid Candidacy
Pre-Fitting Considerations for Prescription Hearing Aids
Hearing Aid Styles
Ear Molds
How Does a Hearing Aid Work?
Procedures for Fitting and Verification of Prescription Hearing Aids
Fitting and Verification
Counseling and Goal Setting
Follow-Up Appointments
Counseling and Education
Teleaudiology and Aural Rehabilitation
Cultural Responsiveness
Challenges with Obtaining and Using Hearing Aids
Financial Considerations
Hearing Aid Adoption
Inconsistent Use
Daily Care and Troubleshooting of Hearing Aids
Hearing Assistive Technology Systems
Wireless Microphone Transmission
Remote Microphone Technology
Induction Loop Technology
Frequency Modulated and Digital Modulated Systems
Bluetooth Capability
Infrared Hearing Systems
Phones and Phone Accessories
Auxiliary Aids and Services
Altering Devices
Nontraditional Hearing Aids
Contralateral Routing of Signals (CROS) and Bilateral Routing of Signals (Bi-CROS) Hearing Aids
Bone Conduction Systems
Surface Bone Conduction Hearing Aid
Implantable Bone Conduction Hearing Aids
Middle Ear Implants
Over-the-Counter Hearing Aids
Over-the-Counter Hearing Aid Styles
Spotlight on Roberta: Audiologic Consultation
Recommended Internet Sites for Further Learning
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Chapter 3. Neuroprosthetic Hearing Devices for Children and Adults: Cochlear Implants and Auditory Brainstem Implants
Sneha V. Bharadwaj, Linda L. Daniel, D. Robert Peters, and Kristin King
Learning Objectives
Cochlear Implants
Cochlear Implant: Parts and Function
Factors Considered in the Assessment of Cochlear Implant Candidacy
Interprofessional Collaborations
Surgical and Technological Considerations
Choice of Cochlear Implants and Hearing Assistive Technologies
Cochlear Implant Surgery
Risks and Challenges Related to Surgery
Intraoperative Testing Impedance Measures
Electrically Evoked Compound Action Potential
Cochlear Implant Programming
Objective Programming Method
Behavioral Programming Method
Aural Rehabilitation Following Cochlear Implantation
Spotlight on Tucker: Early Identification and Intervention
Summary of Cochlear Implants
Introduction to Auditory Brainstem Implants
A Brief History of the Auditory Brainstem Implant
Surgery and Risks
Interprofessional Collaborations
A Case Presentation: Five-Year-Old Justine
Communication Outcomes in Persons with ABI
Spotlight on Aanya: A Child with an ABI
Recommended Internet Sites for Further Learning
Study Questions
Answer Key

Chapter 4. Factors Influencing Intervention Strategies and Communication Outcomes in Children who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing
Sneha V. Bharadwaj, Linda L. Daniel, and Ellen A. Rhoades
Hearing Loss
Degree of Hearing Loss
Type of Hearing Loss
Configuration of Hearing Loss
Etiology of Hearing Loss
Environmental Origin
Genetic Origin
Heterogeneous Etiologies
Hearing Technology
Age of Access to Appropriate Technology and the Speech Signal
Sufficiency and Consistency of Usage of Hearing Technology
Language Environment
Caregiver-Child Interactions
Quality of Caregiver Language Input
Quantity of Linguistic Input
Communication Modes
Listening and Spoken Language
Visually-Based Systems
Augmentative or Alternative Communication Systems
Cultural Diversity
Economic Status
Geographic Residence
Ethno-Racial Status
Family Environment
Childhood Experiences
Support Systems
Community-Based Support Services
Services and Education
Early Intervention Services
Education and School-Age Services
Supportive Aural Rehabilitation via Telehealth Delivery
Neurodevelopmental Differences
Auditory Differences
Vestibular Differences
Speech Differences
Language and Learning Differences
Other Sensory Differences
Behavioral and Socio-emotional Differences
Spotlight on Jaxson: A Child with CHARGE Syndrome
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Chapter 5. Aural Rehabilitation Considerations for Persons who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing from Culturally Diverse Backgrounds
Alliete R. Alfano, Michael Douglas, and Daniela Berrios Reyes
Learning Objectives
Terminology and Frameworks Relevant to Providing Culturally Responsive Services to Children and Adults who are DHH
Culturally Competence
Cultural Humility
Cultural Competemility
Cultural Dimensions
Power Distance
Uncertainty Avoidance
Indulgence versus Restraint
Terminology and Misconception Related to Second Language Acquisitions (SLA) & Bi/Multilingualism
Terminology Related to Deaf Culture, Second Language Acquisition (SLA) & Bi/Multilingualism
Misconceptions Surrounding Bi/Multilingualism
Assessment Procedures for Bi-Multilingual Persons who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing
Ethnographic Interview
Oral Motor Assessment
Speech Recognition Assessment
Speech Production Assessment
Language Assessments
Pragmatic Skills Assessment
Self-Advocacy Assessments
Assessing Language in Children who Use ASL and Sign Systems
Case Presentation on Hiti: Assessment of a Bilingual, Bi-cultural Child
Treatment Considerations for Working with Persons who are DHH and CD
Empowering Parents with Information
Establishing a Collaborative Relationship
Intervention Considerations for Bilingual/Multilingual Persons Who are DHH
Developing Culturally Responsive Treatment Practices
Involvement of Extended Family
Strategies for Intervention for Persons who are DHH and from CD Backgrounds
Spotlight on Amari: Culturally Adapted Intervention
Recommended Internet Sites for Further Learning
Resources for Other Languages
Study Questions
Answer Key

Chapter 6. Fundamentals of Assessment of Communication Needs in Children and Adults who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing
Sneha V. Bharadwaj and Jill Duncan
Learning Objectives
Interprofessional Collaboration
Objectives of Assessment
Types of Assessment
Standardized Assessment
Norm-referenced Tests
Selection and Administration of Norm-referenced Tests
Interpretation of Norm-referenced Tests
Criterion-referenced Tests
Non-standardized Assessment
Dynamic or Interactive Assessment
Functional Assessment
Curriculum-based Assessment
Challenges in Assessing Children who are DHH and use Manual/Visual Communication Modes
Accommodations and Modifications
Cultural Diversity
Bilingualism and Multimodal Communication
Special Considerations in the Assessment of Children and Adults who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing
Assessment of Children who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing with Comorbidities
Assessment of Adults who are DHH and have Comorbidities
An Ecological Approach to Assessment in Aural Rehabilitation: An Adaptation of Bronfenbrenner's Bioecological Systems Model
Application of the Bioecological Model to Assessment of Persons who are DHH
Spotlight on Silas: A Child who is DHH and has Social Communication Needs
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Chapter 7. Intervention After Early Diagnosis of Hearing Loss: A Listening and Spoken Language Approach
Linda L. Daniel and Christina Perigoe
Learning Objectives
Rationale for Auditory-Based Learning
Active Listening and Auditory Learning
Overview of the Listening and Spoken Language Approach
An Auditory Foundation for Spoken Communication
The Ling Six Sound Test
A Diagnostic Approach to Intervention
Diagnostic Approach to Intervention: Assessment of Hearing Technology
Evidence-Based Practice
Principles of Certified LSLS Auditory-Verbal Therapists (LSLS Cert. AVT)
Spotlight on Josiah: Establishing an Auditory Foundation for Listening and Spoken Language
Recommended Internet Sites for Further Learning
Study Questions
Answer Key

Chapter 8. Educational Supports for Students who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing in Primary Through Post-Secondary Settings
Sneha V. Bharadwaj, Kaitlyn Millen, and Sarah D. Wainscott
Learning Objectives
Supporting a Continuum of Communication Approaches
Facilitating Educational Placement Decisions
Assessments for Guiding Educational Placement
Identifying and Implementing Communication-Related Accommodations
Classroom Acoustics
Hearing Assistive Technology Systems
Text-Based Technologies
Visual Supports
Interprofessional Collaboration
Roles and Responsibilities of Members of the Interprofessional Collaborative Team
Utilizing Teaching Strategies
Provision of Ongoing Communication Supports
Hearing Technology Supports
Listening Supports
Differentiated Language Supports
Speech Supports
Language-Based Literacy Supports
Phonological Awareness
Background Knowledge
Morphological Knowledge and Syntax
Comprehension Monitoring
Pragmatic and Social Supports
Theory of Mind
Conversational Competence and Social Engagement
Communication Repair Strategies
Personal Safety
Facilitating Self-Identity and Self-Determination
Assessing Self-Determination Skills
Self-Determination Interventions
Promoting Postsecondary Transition Planning and Advocacy
Transition Planning in the IEP Process
Brenda's Struggle with Hearing Loss
Work Transition
Spotlight on the Oklahoma School for the Deaf and Sunshine Cottage School for the Deaf: Two Educational Philosophies
The Oklahoma School for the Deaf: Overview
Communication Philosophy
Sunshine Cottage School for the Deaf Children: Review
Communication Philosophy
Recommended Internet Sites for Further Learning
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Answer Key

Chapter 9. Aural Rehabilitation for Adults who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing
Carol G. Cokely, Linda L. Daniel, Cornetta L. Mosley, and Linda Thibodeau
Learning Objectives
Wellbeing and Quality of Life
Factors that Influence Aural Rehabilitation
Age of Onset of Hearing Loss
Postlinguistic Hearing Loss
Prelinguistic Hearing Loss and Speech Recognition
Hearing Loss and Dementia
Hearing Loss and Other Hearing Disorders
Assessment and Goal Setting
Factors Affecting Assessment
Modes of Communication
Listener Fatigue
Quality of Life for Adults who are DHH, Their Families and Communication Partners
Tools for Assessing Aural Rehabilitation Needs
Assessment of Aural Rehabilitation needs via the World Health Organization International Classification of Functioning, Disability, and Health
Assessment of Aural Rehabilitation Needs via the TELEGRAM
Assessment of Speech Recognition
Developing an Aural Rehabilitation Plan
Sensory Management
Perceptual Training
Self-Directed Auditory Training Programs
Practitioner-Guided Auditory Rehabilitation and Auditory Training Programs
Assessing Outcomes
Developing AR Programs
Speech Production Intervention
Spotlight on Cindy: Self-Determination and Self-Advocacy
Recommended Internet Sites for Further Learning
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Answer Key

Chapter 10. Quality of Life, Counseling, and Advocacy for Children and Adults who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing
Sarah Crow, Andrea D. Warner-Czyz, Linda L. Daniel, and Roshini Kumar
Learning Objectives
Effects of Hearing Loss on Quality of Life
Quality of Life in Children and Adolescents who are DHH
Physical Well-Being in Children and Adolescents who are DHH
Mental Well-Being in Children and Adolescents who are DHH
Social Well-Being in Children and Adolescents who are DHH
Effects Children's Hearing Loss on Their Families
Enhancing Quality of Life in Children and Adolescents who are DHH and Their Families
Support Groups for Children and Adolescents who are DHH
Camps for Children and Adolescents who are DHH
Quality of Life in Adults who are DHH
Physical Well-Being in Adults who are DHH
Mental Well-Being in Adults who are DHH
Social Well-Being in Adults who are DHH
Effects of Hearing Loss on Adults and Their Families
Enhancing Quality of Life in Adults with Hearing Loss
Aural Rehabilitation
Support Groups for Adults
Counseling Persons who are DHH
Challenges to Psychological Wellness
Identity Formation in Individuals who are DHH
Grief in Persons who are DHH and Their Families
Signs of Anxiety and Depression
Key Concepts of Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT) and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)
Active Listening to Build Rapport
Cognitive Refraining
Involvement of Extended Family Members
Advocating for Children who are DHH through Caregiver Education
Advocating for the Child's Educational Needs
Teaching Self-Determination Skills to Children who are DHH
Advocacy Training for Adults who are DHH
Spotlight on Kim: Advocacy for People with Deaf-Blindness
Recommended Internet Sites for Further Learning
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