University and Academics' Societal Engagement in Sub-Saharan Africa

University and Academics' Societal Engagement in Sub-Saharan Africa

Benefits, Drivers, and Constraints of Knowledge Production

Casimiro Zavale, Nelson; Schneijderberg, Christian

Taylor & Francis Ltd





15 a 20 dias

Descrição não disponível.
List of figures and tables

List of abbreviations

Series editor's foreword

Preface and acknowledgements by Nelson C. Zavale

Note for the reader

Chapter 1 - Introduction

Chapter 2 - University and academics' societal engagement: Main concepts

Chapter 3 - Same but different? SSA as knowledge society and economy

Chapter 4 - Knowledge producers in SSA: Higher education institutions

Chapter 5 - Features of knowledge produced in Sub-Saharan Africa

Chapter 6 - Characteristics and typologies of stakeholders and knowledge users in SSA

Chapter 7 - Forms and channels of knowledges transfer between university and external stakeholders in Sub-Sahara Africa

Chapter 8 - Outputs, outcomes ,and benefits of university and academics' societal engagement and knowledges transfer in Sub-Sahara Africa

Chapter 9 - Main drivers and constraints or barriers to university's societal engagement and knowledge transfer

Chapter 10 - (Un-)fitness of conventional approaches to university and academics' societal engagement in Sub-Saharan Africa and the presentation of an alternative analytical framework


Este título pertence ao(s) assunto(s) indicados(s). Para ver outros títulos clique no assunto desejado.
university societal engagement;higher education institutions;African universities;Sub-Saharan Africa;SSA;knowledge producers;knowledge production;Forms of knowledge;knowledge-based economy;knowledge-based society;knowledge transfer;sociology;marginalised groups;marginalised regions;regional bias;African regional bias