Unity on the Global Left

Unity on the Global Left

Critical Reflections on Samir Amin's Call for a New International

Gills, Barry K.; Chase-Dunn, Christopher

Taylor & Francis Ltd






15 a 20 dias


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1. In search of unity: a new politics of solidarity and action for confronting the crisis of global capitalism

Barry Gills and Christopher Chase-Dunn

2. Climate justice and sustained transnational mobilization

Paul Almeida

3. Samir Amin and the challenges of socialist transformation in senile capitalism

Carlos Eduardo Martins

4. The twenty-first century revolutions and internationalism: a world historical perspective

Sahan Savas Karatasli

5. On Samir Amin's call for a Fifth International

Valentine M. Moghadam

6. The rational kernel within Samir Amin's mythological shell: the idea of a democratic and pluralist world political party

Heikki Patomaeki

7. World revolution or socialism, community by community, in the Anthropocene?

Leslie Sklair

8. Race-class-gender articulation and the Fifth International

Biko Agozino

9. Forging a diagonal instrument for the global left: the vessel

Rebecca Alvarez and Christopher Chase-Dunn

10. Truncated 21st-century trajectories of progressive international solidarity

Patrick Bond

11. What is to be done? The importance of Samir Amin's answer

Radhika Desai

12. The fifth International: international or global?

Owen Worth

13. Carrying on Samir Amin's legacy

Boris Kagarlitsky

14. Sweeping the world clean of capitalism: Samir Amin, Abdullah Ocalan and the world of autonomous regions

Andrej Grubacic

15. Needed: a new international for a just transition and against fascism

Francine Mestrum

16. Capital has an Internationale and it is going fascist: time for an international of the global popular classes

William I. Robinson

17. On heeding the lessons of the past and adapting them to the present: a strategy for an effective Fifth International

Michael Tyrala

18. Eurocentrism, state-centrism and sexual self-determination in the construction of a global democratic organization

Teivo Teivainen

19. Rethinking Samir Amin's legacy and the case for a political organization of the global justice movement

Bonn Juego

20. Building a new international is necessary and urgent

Carlos Serrano Ferreira

21. The kick off

Mamdouh Habashi
Pambazuka News;Egyptian economist;UN;Global capitalism;Global Justice Movements;Progressive workers;WSF;Global justice movement;Global Left;WSF Process;Bamako Appeal;Civil Society;World Systems Scholarship;Progressive Nationalism;Direct Democracy;WSF Charter;Modern Capitalist World System;International Workingmen's Association;Amin's Analysis;European Social Forum;Neoliberal Globalization Project;Pink Tide;WSF Participant;Jeremy Corbyn;Universal Basic Income;Political Parties;Climate Justice Movement;Capitalist Ruling Classes;Social Forum Process