Typical and Atypical Child Development 4 Cognition, Intelligence and Learning

Typical and Atypical Child Development 4 Cognition, Intelligence and Learning

Cognition, Intelligence and Learning

von Tetzchner, Stephen

Taylor & Francis Ltd






15 a 20 dias


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Part I Theories of Cognitive Development


Domains, modules and activities

Logical constructivism

Information processing


Social constructionism

Disparity and integration
Summary of Part I

Core Issues

Suggestions for further reading

Part II Attention, Memory and Executive Function

Basic Cognitive Functions



Executive Functions
Summary of Part II

Core Issues

Suggestions for further reading

Part III Conceptual Development and Reasoning

Concepts and Reasoning

Early conceptions of space, time and causality

Object concepts


Atypical development
Summary of Part III

Core Issues

Suggestions for further reading

Part IV Mind Understanding

The Human Mind

Visual perspective

Private speech

Early understanding of desires and beliefs

Further development of mind understanding

Individual and cultural differences

Atypical development of mind understanding
Summary of Part IIII

Core Issues

Suggestions for further reading

Part V Intelligence

The Concept of Intelligence

Theories of intelligence

Intelligence tests

Stability and variation in IQ scores

Nature, nurture and intelligence

Gender differences

Ethnicity and intelligence

Changing norms: The Flynn effect

School performance and intelligence

Atypical development
Summary of Part IV

Core Issues

Suggestions for further reading

Part VI Learning and Instruction

Learning and Adaptation

Types of learning

Two developmental perspectives on education

Cooperation among children

Atypical development: Learning disorders

Learning disorders and mental disorders

Summary of Part VI

Core Issues

Suggestions for further reading



special educational needs;learning difficulties;children and media;learning and instruction;intelligence;theory of mind;conceptual development and reasoning;attention;memory and executive function;Theories of cognitive development;clinical assessment;psychopathy;developmental disabilities;adolescent development;neurological disorders;developmental disorders;Autism;ADHD;cognitive development;developmental psychopathology;atypical development;adolescent psychology;child development;developmental psychology;Autism Spectrum Disorder;Hold;Mind Understanding;IQ;IQ Point;Average IQ;Slightly;Strong;Independent;Piaget's Theory;Follow;Main;IQ Score;Learning Disorders;Writing Disorders;Childhood IQ;Williams Syndrome;Intelligence Tests;Duck;Repertoire