Transgender Marxism

Transgender Marxism

Rosenberg, Jordy; O'Rourke, Elle; Gleeson, Jules Joanne

Pluto Press






15 a 20 dias


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Introduction - Jules Joanne Gleeson and Elle O'Rourke

1. Social Reproduction and Social Cognition: Theorizing (Trans)gender Identity Development in Community Context - Noah Zazanis (reproductive health research assistant, New York)

2. Trans Work: Employment Trajectories, Labour Discipline and Gender Freedom - Michelle O'Brien (New York University)

3. Judith Butler's Scientific Revolution: Foundations for a Transsexual Marxism - Rosa Lee (editor at Viewpoint Magazine)

4. How Do Gender Transitions Happen? - Jules Joanne Gleeson

5. A Queer Marxist Transfeminism: Queer and Trans Social Reproduction - Nat Raha (University of Sussex)

6. Notes from Brazil - Virginia Guitzel (philosophy student, Federal University of ABC)

7. Queer Workerism Against Work: Strategising Transgender Labourers, Social Reproduction & Class Formation - Kate Doyle Griffiths (lecturer, Brooklyn College and editor of Spectre Journal)

8. The Bridge between Gender and Organizing - Farah Thompson (Black, bisexual trans woman who does tech while living in San Diego)

9. Encounters in Lancaster - JN Hoad (DIY transsexual in the North West of the UK)

10. Transgender and Disabled Bodies - Between Pain and the Imaginary - Zoe Belinsky (independent scholar)

11. A Dialogue on Deleuze and Gender Difference - The Conspiratorial Association for the Advancement of Cultural Degeneracy (Cultural Degeneracy and Sacrilege - a pseudonymous dialogue between friends)

12. Seizing the Means: Towards a Trans Epistemology - Nathaniel Dickson (PhD candidate, University at Bufflalo)

13. 'Why Are We Like This?' The Primacy of Transsexuality - Xandra Metcalfe (psychoanalytic communist and noise artist based in Melbourne)

14. Cosmos Against Nature in the Class Struggle of Proletarian Trans Women - Anja Heisler Weiser Flower (artist living in San Francisco)

Afterword: One Utopia, One Dystopia - Jordy Rosenberg (Associate Professor, University of Massachusetts Amherst)

Notes on Contributors

Transgender; Marxism; LGBTIQQ Marxist; transgender rights; trans pride; trans pride book; transgender discrimination; queer Marxist; Queer Marxism; trans studies; trans recommended reading; Gender Studies; trans gender studies; trans Feminism; trans discrimination; trans power; Social Reproduction Theory; trans rights; transgender book; trans book; trans politics; trans politics book; Gendering; Psychoanalysis; Labour; Feminism; Trans issues; Judith Butler; Gender and Sexuality; Anti-capitalism; Queer Theory; LGBTQ+ Philosophy; Gay and Lesbian Critical Theory; LGBTQ+ Political and Social Issues; Gender History