Trade, Investment and Labour

Trade, Investment and Labour

Interactions in International Law

Zandvliet, Ruben







15 a 20 dias


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Table of Treaties??

Table of Cases??


2???Economic Competition and the Development of International Labour Law??


?2.2?The Origins of International Labour Law


?2.2.2?Economic Competition and the Need for International Cooperation??

?2.2.3?The Quid Pro Quo between Improving Labour Standards and Tariff Reductions??

?2.2.4?The International Association of Labour Legislation and the Emergence of Multilateralism??

?2.3?The International Labour Organization


?2.3.2?The Establishment of the ?ilo? and Its Institutional Framework??

?2.3.3?The Purpose of the ?ilo???

?2.3.4?The Legal Framework??

?2.4?Implementation of ilo Standards


?2.4.2?The ?ilo? Supervisory Procedures??

?2.4.3?Interpretation of ?ilo? Conventions??

?2.4.4?Perspectives on the Effectiveness of the ?ilo? in Relation to the Trade-Labour Debate??

?2.5?Concluding Remarks

3???Multilateral Trade Law and Labour??


?3.2?Introduction to Multilateral Trade-Labour Linkage


?3.2.2?Labour and Employment in the Havana Charter??

?3.2.3?Labour and Employment in the ?gatt? and ?wto? Era??

?3.3?Labour-Related Trade Measures under wto Law


?3.3.2?Foreign Labour Conditions as Unfair Trade Practices??

?3.3.3?Foreign Labour Conditions as Nullification and Impairment of Benefits??

?3.3.4?Trade Measures in Response to Foreign Labour Conditions??

?3.4?Justifications under the gatt General Exceptions Clause


?3.4.2?Article ?xx?(a): The Protection of Public Morals??

?3.4.3?Article ?xx? (b): The Protection of Human Life or Health??

?3.4.4?Article ?xx?(d): Securing Compliance with Non-inconsistent Laws or Regulations??

?3.4.5?Article ?xx?(e): Products of Prison Labour??

?3.4.6?The ?Chapeau-Test??

?3.5?Labour Conditionality in the Generalised System of Preferences


?3.5.2?The Generalised System of Preferences??

?3.5.3?Labour Conditionality in the United States' gsp???

?3.5.4?Labour Conditionality in the European Union's ?gsp???

?3.6?Concluding Remarks

4???International Investment Law and Labour??


?4.2?Introduction to Investment-Labour Linkage


?4.2.2?The Deregulation of Labour??

?4.2.3?The Regulation of Labour??

?4.2.4?The Regulation of Investors??

?4.3?Investment Protection Standards in Relation to Labour Regulation


?4.3.2?Direct and Indirect Expropriation??

?4.3.3?Fair and Equitable Treatment??

?4.3.4?Full Protection and Security??


?4.4?Strategies to Increase Host States' Regulatory Autonomy


?4.4.2?Legislative Strategies??

?4.4.3?Interpretative Issues??

?4.5?Provisions Addressing the Conduct of Investors


?4.5.2?Types of ?csr? Clauses??

?4.5.3?Functions of ?csr? Clauses??

?4.5.4?Towards Binding Obligations for Business Enterprises??

?4.6?Concluding Remarks

5???Preferential Trade and Investment Agreements and Labour??


?5.2?Provisions Addressing Derogation from Labour Standards


?5.2.2?The Types and Functions of Non-derogation Clauses??

?5.2.3?The Economic Benchmark??

?5.2.4?Specific Characteristics of Enforcement Obligations??

?5.3?Provisions Addressing the Improvement of Labour Standards


?5.3.2?Types of Improvement Clauses??

?5.3.3?The Use of Indeterminate Benchmarks in Improvement Clauses??

?5.3.4?The Legal Character of Improvement Clauses??

?5.3.5?Reform Options for Improvement Clauses??

?5.4?Provisions Addressing Domestic Governance Issues

?5.5?Delimitations of Labour Provisions through Federal Clauses

?5.6?Implementation and Enforcement of Labour Provisions


?5.6.2?Pre-ratification Impact Assessments and Conditionalities??

?5.6.3?Post-ratification Implementation and Monitoring??

?5.6.4?Dispute Settlement??

?5.7?Relationship between ilo Standards and ptia Labour Provisions


?5.7.2?Multiplicity of Labour Norms and the Risk of Fragmentation??

?5.7.3?The ?vclt? Framework and Early Practice in ?ptia? Labour Disputes??

?5.7.4?Lessons from the Integration of Human Rights and Labour Law??

?5.8?Concluding Remarks



?6.2?Constraining and Supporting Domestic Labour(-Related) Law

?6.3?Interactions between International Trade, Investment and Labour Law

?6.4?Evaluating Economic Perspectives in Light of Legal Practice

?6.5?Navigating between Fair Competition and Fundamental Rights

?6.6?Outlook for Labour Standards in Trade and Investment Agreements


Other Sources??

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BITs; FTAs; GATT; ILO; ISDS; PTIAs; WTO; economic competition; fundamental rights; investors; social clause