Threatened Freshwater Animals of Tropical East Asia

Threatened Freshwater Animals of Tropical East Asia

Ecology and Conservation in a Rapidly Changing Environment

Dudgeon, David

Taylor & Francis Ltd






15 a 20 dias


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Introduction, 1. The global context: fresh waters in peril, 2. The human-modified rivers of tropical East Asia, 3. The prevalence and intensity of threats to regional rivers, 4. The fishes 1: composition and threat status, 5. The fishes II: determinants of threat status and drivers of decline, 6. Amphibians and freshwater reptiles, 7. Freshwater birds and mammals, 8. Vanishing point?
suptropical;inland waters;freshwater fish;amphibians;freshwater biodiversity;environmental change;freshwater ecology;Freshwater Animals;ecosystems;Chao Phraya;Water Shrews;Peatswamp Forest;Pearl River;Oriental Realm;Giant Snakehead;IUCN Red List;Chinese Softshell Turtle;Mae Klong;Freshwater Ecosystems;Poyang Lake;Freshwater Birds;Chinese Giant Salamander;False Gharial;Chinese Paddlefish;Water Monitor;Chinese Sturgeon;Irrawaddy Dolphin;Siamese Crocodile;Floodplain Lakes;Dongting Lake;Ganges River Dolphin;Apple Snail