

Soul Dimension of Yoga

Grill, Heinz

i2i Publishing





15 a 20 dias

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How to use this book

The Soul Dimension of Yoga
The practice of yoga and its meaning The three basic forces of the soul Where is the home of the
Breathing and the life of the soul
The meaning of inhalation and exhalation
The difference between free breathing and guided breath Forming mental pictures has an effect on
the breath
The different regions of the soul-life Mladhara-cakra and the earth element Svadhi'hana-cakra and
the water element Ma~ipra-cakra and the air element Anahata-cakra and the warmth element
Vicuddha-cakra, and learning to differentiate between a consciousness free from the body and a
consciousness bound to the body
Ajna-cakra and the development of a freely creating power of thou
Sahasrara-cakra and the experiencing of soul content
Attention, Concentration and Relationship A practical example for attention
The beginning of a path of consciousness to develop the soul
The different energies in yoga, three different radiations of the aura
Different demands in the exercises
Rhythmically building up an exercise and developing yoga out of the social context
An exercise does not lead to escape from the world Rhythmically building up an exercise in three

Inner calm and relaxation
The development of the soul-life takes place in three steps

Shaping life with content - anahata-cakra
Exercises for experiencing the spine pictorially -
parcva pariv (R)tta triko~asana
The tip-toe pose - pada gu'hasana
The tree - ta asana
The St Andrew's cross - saodhisthana
The shoulderstand - sarva gasana

The development of expansiveness - ma~ipra-cakra A basic exercise for expansiveness: vihayas -
free space The plough - halasana
The head to knee pose - paccimottanasana
The bow - dhanurasana The camel - u'rasana The triangle - triko~asana
The lying triangle - anantasana

Openness through developing mental pictures, releasing the old and beginning anew - vicuddha-cakra
The wings - pak'ati
The yoga gesture - yoga mudra
The fish - matsyasana
The half moon - anjaneyasana
The head to knee pose in half lotus -
eka pada padma paccimottanasana

Water and the movement of gathering - svadhi'hana-cakra
A soul exercise
The standing head to knee pose - uttanasana
The locust - calabhasana
The wide stretch and forward-bending variations -
ko~asana, eka pada paccimottanasana

Developing a power of consciousness free from projection -
A basic exercise for developing the mid-point in the head The sitting twist - ardha matsyendrasana
The headstand - c/r'asana
The cobra - bhuja gasana
Encouraging primordial strength and developing a freely available decisiveness - mladhara-cakra
The earth - bhmi
The leg pose - utthita eka pada hastasana The inclined plane - prvottanasana The peacock pose -
The development of complete freedom from the body -
The fire of lengthening - d/rghasana
The lotus - padmasana
The half diamond - supta vajrasana
The scorpion - v (R)ccikasana The horse - vatayanasana The crow - kakasana
The scales - tulada~ asana
The dove - kapotasana
A methodical sequence with which to construct a practice session
The sun prayer - srya namaskara
A meditation on the three circles
Author's notes
Translator's notes from the text General notes on the translation Recommended literature
About Heinz Grill
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Yoga;exercise;spiritual truths;