US Navy and the South China Sea

US Navy and the South China Sea

American, Chinese, and Vietnamese Maritime Relations, 1945-2023

Elleman, Bruce A

Taylor & Francis Ltd





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Acronym List

List of Figures

Introduction: Evaluating the South China Sea's Maritime Challenges

1) The Early Chinese and European Influence on a Divided Vietnam

2) The Sino-Soviet Alliance and its 1960 Split

3) The U.S. Enters the Vietnam War, 1960-1969

4) Using the Vietnam War to Start a Sino-Soviet War, 1969

5) President Richard Nixon Opens Diplomatic Relations with the PRC, 1969-1972

6) The PLAN Invasion of the Paracels, 1974

7) The Sino-Vietnamese War of 1979 and the End of the Sino-Soviet Monolith

8) Sino-U.S. Cooperation against Vietnam and the USSR and the End of the Cold War

Conclusions: The Possible Formation of a U.S.-Vietnamese anti-Chinese Alliance


Document 1: Sino-French Tonkin Treaty, 26 June 1887

Document 2: Cairo Declaration, 1 December 1943

Document 3: Potsdam Proclamation, 26 July 1945

Document 4: Treaty of Peace with Japan, 8 September 1951

Document 5: Treaty of Peace between the Republic of China and Japan, 28 April 1952

Document 6: U.S.-ROC Mutual Defense Treaty, 2 December 1954 (ratified 1955) plus Secret Protocol

Document 7: Formosa Resolution, 1955

Document 8: Declaration on China's Territorial Sea, 4 September 1958

Document 9: Prime Minister Pham Van Dong's Letter, 14 September 1958

Document 10: Shanghai Communique, 28 February 1972

Document 11: Joint Communique on the Establishment of Diplomatic Relations between the

People's Republic of China and the United States of America, 16 December 1978

Document 12: Taiwan Relations Act, 10 April 1979

Document 13: Joint Communique on the Question of Arms Sales to Taiwan, 17 August 1982

Document 14: Law on the Territorial Sea and the Contiguous Zone, 25 February 1992

Document 15: 1992 ASEAN Declaration on the South China Sea, 22 July 1992

Document 16: United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, PART V, Exclusive Economic Zone, In force since 14 November 1994

Document 17: A concurrent resolution expressing the sense of Congress regarding missile tests

and military exercises by the People's Republic of China, 21 March 1996.

Document 18: Law on the Exclusive Economic Zone and the Continental Shelf of the PRC, 26 June 1998

Document 19: 2002 Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the South China Sea,

4 November 2002

Document 20: Anti-Secession Law adopted by NPC, 14 March 2005

Document 21: Cross-Straits Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement, 29 June 2010

Document 22: In the Matter of the South China Sea Arbitration, 12 July 2016

Selected Bibliography

China;South China Sea;US;US Navy;Vietnam