Routledge Handbook of the Politics of the #MeToo Movement

Routledge Handbook of the Politics of the #MeToo Movement

Chandra, Giti; Erlingsdottir, Irma

Taylor & Francis Ltd






15 a 20 dias


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Foreword Introduction: Rebellion, Revolution, Reformation Section I: Theories 1. Struggle, Solidarity, and Social Change 2. #MeToo as a Revolutionary Cascade 3. Global #MeToo 4. Subject of Desire / Subject of Feminism: Some Notes on the Split Subject(s) of #MeToo 5. #MeToo as a Variegated Phenomenon against Men's Violences and Violations: Implications for Men and Masculinities 6. #MeToo Beyond Invulnerability: Towards a New Ontological Paradigm 7. The Anonymous Feminist: Agency, Trauma, Personhood, and the #MeToo Movement 8. Silencing Resistance to the Patriarchy 9. #MeToo, African feminisms and the scourge of stereotypes Section II: Contexts 10. Narrating #MeToo: Calling Our Organizations to Action 11. On Tambourines, Hashtags and ReRooting / ReRouting Survivor Voice in Caribbean Feminist Movement Building 12. Moving from Theory to Praxis: Sexual Violence and the #MeToo Movement 13. Wieners, Whiners, Weinsteins and Worse 14. Of Moguls, Monsters, and Men 15. Many New Solutions to Workplace Sexual Harassment in a Post #MeToo Era, But Will They Do The Trick? 16. Being a Disabled Feminist Killjoy in a Feminist Movement 17. Black Women, #MeToo and Resisting Plantation Feminism Section III: Global Perspectives 18. #MeToo: Anger, Denouncement and Hope 19. #MeToo in France, a Feminist Revolution? A Sociohistorical Approach 20. Polish #MeToo: When Concern for Men's Rights Derails the Women's Revolution 21. #??????????????? (#IAmNotAfraidToSpeak), #MeToo, and the Russian Media: Public Discourse Around Violence Against Women in Russia 22. #MeToo in Post-Socialist Countries: A Comparative Analysis of Romanian and Chinese Feminist Activism Against Sexual Violence 23. In the Name of #RiceBunny: Legacy, Strategy, and Efficiency of the Chinese #MeToo Movement 24. The #MeToo Movement in Japan: Tentative Steps Towards Transformation 25. 'Ana Kaman' - MeToo in the Arab World: A Journalist's Account 26. #MeToo, the Law, and Anti-Sexual Violence Activism in Kenya 27. Critical Reflections on #MeToo in Contemporary South Africa Through an African Feminist Lens 28. #MeToo Argentina: A Protest Movement in Progress 29. From #MeToo to #NiUnaMenos in Latin America with Focus on the Case of Mexico 30. #Akademiuppropet: Social Media as a Tool for Shaping a Counter-Public Space in Sweden 31. Fighting Structural Inequalites: Feminist Activism and the #MeToo Movement in Iceland
Sexual Harassment;Violated;#metoo;Sexual Violence;#metoo movement;UN;gender;GBV;comtemporary culture;Young Men;social media;Wo;twitter;Follow;gender studies;Hashtivism Movements;intersectional feminism;Held;gender identity;Anti-sexual Harassment;gender discourse;Contemporary Society;Toxic Masculinity;sexual assault;Face To Face;Interrogation;Chronic;Feminist movements;Spotlight;Workplace Sexual Harassment;Disabled Women;Benevolent Sexism;CEDAW;MENA Country;Sexual Abuse;Hashtag Activisms;Topless