North American Auto Industry since NAFTA

North American Auto Industry since NAFTA

Anastakis, Dimitry; Mordue, Greig

University of Toronto Press






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Part 1: The Post-NAFTA Integration of the North American Auto Industry

1. The Stratification of the Global Auto Industry: North America as the Archetype
Greig Mordue and Brendan Sweeney

2. Foreign Auto Transplants in the Age of NAFTA: Some Revealing Trends
A.J. Jacobs

3. Mexico's Participation in the North American Automotive Manufacturing Industry
Clemente Ruiz Duran

4. Spatial Integration of the North American Auto Industry under NAFTA
Thomas H. Klier and James M. Rubenstein

Part 2: Automotive Investment and Trade

5. Reorganization and Restructuring: The North American Automotive Industry in the USMCA Era
Mike Smitka

6. NAFTA vs. USMCA Content Rules Comparison with Evidence from Automakers' Investment Strategies
Kristin M. Dziczek and Bernard Swiecki

7. From Automotive to Mobility Value Chains: Variety of Embeddedness and Regional Value Capture in Baden-Wuerttemberg, Michigan, and Ontario
Elena Goracinova

Part 3: The Electrification of Mobility

8. The Political Economy of Energy Transitions in Canada: Implications for the Auto Industry
David A. Wolfe and Nathan Lemphers

9. A North American Electric Vehicle Supply Chain: What It Means for Canada's Vehicle Parts Manufacturing Industry
Bassel Kazzaz, Sarah Norton, and Charlotte Yates
10. The Automobile Industry in Mexico and the Challenges of a New Era: A Perspective on Electric Vehicles and Green Technologies
Bertha Vallejo, Jorge Carrillo, Victor M. Cabral, and Humberto Garcia Jimenez

Part 4: Wages, Workplace Democratization, and Collective Bargaining in a Regionally Integrated Industry

11. Collective Bargaining and Employment Relations in the North American Auto Industry: From Convergence to Marginalization?
Mathieu Dupuis

12. Prometheus Bound? Technology and Labour in the North American Automotive Industry
Tod Rutherford

13. The USMCA and Third Generation of Labour Arrangements: From Previous Experiences in Latin America to Probable Scenarios in Mexico
Alex V. Covarrubias and Melanie Dufour-Poirier
industrial policy; trade; investment attraction; foreign direct investment; labour studies; political economy; automotive; cars; NAFTA; CUSMA; USMCA; electric vehicles; automotive sector; Ford; GM; Tesla