Mage's Images: Heinrich Khunrath in His Oratory and Laboratory, Volume 2

Mage's Images: Heinrich Khunrath in His Oratory and Laboratory, Volume 2

Theosopher & Christian Cabalist

Forshaw, Peter J.






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List of Figures

List of Tables

Introductory Note

3 Khunrath the Theosopher - a Lover of Divine Wisdom

?1?Pre-Modern Uses of the Term Theosophy

?2?Characteristics of Early Modern Theosophy

?3?Proto-Theosophers and Theophrastia Sancta

?4?Valentin Weigel (1533-1588)

?5?Johann Arndt (1555-1621)


?7?The Anti-Trinitarians' Contempt of Divine Tri-Unity

?8?An Unorthodox Lutheran?

?9?A Faithful Lover of Theosophy

?10?Theodidaktos - Taught by God

?11?Hermetic Philosophy and Pansophy

?12?Khunrath's Theosopher

?13?Qualifications to be a Magus

?14?Ora et Labora

?15?Ora, Oratio, Oraculum

?16?Exegesis: Interpreting the Three Books


?18?The Triune Apocalyptic Key

?19?I. The Book of God in the Ternary

?20?Book of God, Book of Scripture

?21?Deus Pater Archetypos - God, the Father, the Archetype

?22?Filius Theanthropos - the Divinely-Human Son

?23?Spiritus Polypoikilos - Multiform Spirit

?24?II. Book of Nature, Book of Creation

?25????? - Chaos

?26?????? ??? - Ruach Elohim - Spirit of the Lord

?27????? - Schamaim - Heaven

?28?Three Heavens

?29?1) The Lower Sublunar Heaven

?30?2) Rachia: the Firmament of Heaven

?31?3) The Super-Supreme Empyrean

?32?III. Book of Man, Book of Conscience

?33?Ten Grades of Cognition

?34?The Threefold Eye and Three Kinds of Vision

?35?The Ladder of Conjunction and Union

?36?Prologue: Seven Steps to the Sanctuary

?37?1) Fides (Faith)

?38?2) Meditatio (Meditation)

?39?3) Cognitio (Knowledge) and 4) Amor (Love)

?40?5) Spes (Hope)

?41?6) Oratio (Prayer)

?42?7) Conjunctio (Conjunction)

?43?8) Frequentia (Concourse & Constant Practice)

?44?Gerard Dorn's Speculative or Meditative Philosophy

?45?9) Familiaritas (Familiarity)

?46?10) Similitudo (Likeness)



?49?Ascent and Descent

4 Christian Cabala's Wonder-Working Word

?1?The Origins of Christian Cabala

?2?Proto-Kabbalah of the Sepher Yetzirah

?3?Bahir: Book of Illumination

?4?The Works of Bereshit and Merkavah

?5?Zohar: Book of Splendour

?6?Ten Sephiroth on the Tree of Life

?7?Giovanni Pico della Mirandola and the Genesis of Christian Cabala

?8?Exegetical Techniques in Jewish Kabbalah



?11?Temurah or Tsiruf

?12?Exegetical Examples from Pico's Conclusions and Heptaplus

?13?Johann Reuchlin's Neo-Pythagorean Cabala

?14?On the Wonder-Working Word (1494)

?15?On the Cabalistic Art (1517)

?16?Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa's Occult Philosophy

?17?John Dee's Hieroglyphic Monad

?18?Sources for Khunrath's Knowledge of Cabala

?19?Other Potential Sources

?20?Cabala in Khunrath's Works

?21?Aben - Stone


?23?Urim and Thummim

?24?Sigillum Dei: Khunrath's Christian-Cabalist Seal of God

?25?1. Circumference: Tetraktys and Decalogue

?26?2. The Angelic Hierarchy

?27?3. A Prayer for Christians and Jews

?28?4. 22 Foundational Letters

?29?5. Ensoph - The Infinite

?30?6. Emet - Truth

?31?7. Sephiroth: Emanations of the Divine

?32?8. Shemoth: the Names of God

?33?9. ????? YHSVH, Pentagrammaton, Verbum Mirificum

?34?10. Christ ??????????

?35?A Christian-Cabalist Adam Androgyne

?36?Rejection of the Binary

?37?Cabalistic Conclusions concerning Khunrath

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