Inhumanity of Right

Inhumanity of Right

Yannaras, Christos

James Clarke & Co Ltd






15 a 20 dias

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Chapter 1 The Logical Image of Right
Chapter 2 Consequences of the Logical Image of Right
(a)Defining acts and defining relations
(b)Defining truth and defining utility
Chapter 3 The Political Hermeneutic of Right
(a)Right: a pre-political achievement
(b)The alienation of politics and the citizen
(c)The 'homeopathic' paradox of right
(d)The religious foundations of the utilitarianism of right
Chapter 4 A Preliminary Transcendence of the Logic of Right
(a)'Law' (Dikaion) and 'law' (nomos): the classical Greek version
(b)'Law' (Dikaion) and 'law' (nomos): the Roman and early Christian versions
Chapter 5 Cultural Resistance to the Individualism of Right
(a)The 'civilization' of ecclesial Orthodoxy today
(b)Orthodoxy, the West, and Islam
(c)Orthodoxy and nationalism
(d)Orthodoxy and liberalism
Chapter 6 The Inhumanity of Right or the Humanizing of Right?
(a)The dilemma of political anthropology
(b)Oughtness and isness
(c)The state and the community
(d)The consumer and the citizen
philosophical; politicaltheory; politicaltheory; rightphenomenalisticnaturalism; rightphenomenalisticnaturalism; Anglophone; Anglophone; ChristosYannaras; ChristosYannaras; culturalidentity; culturalidentity; English; English; Hegel'sPhilosophyofRight; Hegel'sPhilosophyofRight; humansubject; humansubject; InhumanityofRight; InhumanityofRight; modernpolitico-socialparadigm; modernpolitico-socialparadigm; paradigmofmodernity; paradigmofmodernity; philosophical; philosophical; philosophical