Ibero-American Baroque

Ibero-American Baroque

de Alba-Koch, Beatriz

University of Toronto Press






15 a 20 dias


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Introduction: The Ibero-American Baroque as the First Global Culture
Beatriz de Alba-Koch

Part 1. Painting, Sculpture, and Other Arts

1. Transfers, Encounters, Innovations: The Church of the Third Order of Saint Francis of Penance in Ouro Preto
Luis de Moura Sobral

2. The Elevation of the Genre of "Shrine Paintings" in Peru
Evonne Levy

3. Baroque Reliquaries and Automatons as Representations of Eternal Life
Enrique Fernandez

4. Marian Sculpture in Baroque Portuguese America
Maria Beatriz de Mello e Souza

Part 2. Architecture

5. Presence and Absence: The Holy House of Loreto in Ibero-America
Clara Bargellini

6. From Intimate to Infinite Presence: The Camarin at Tepotzotlan
Ricardo Castro

7. Passion in Motion: The Way of the Cross as Performance in New Spain
Alena Robin

Part 3. Music

8. Music in Processions at the Jesuit Reducciones of Moxos and Chiquitos in Bolivia
Piotr Nawrot

9. Neapolitan Technology and Galant Style in a Novohispano Context: Eight Concerted Responsories by Ignacio Jerusalem
Lucero Enriquez Rubio

10. The Resonance of Sor Juana's Villancicos in Spanish Cathedral Archives
Aurelio Tello

Part 4. Textual Continuities and Change

11. Emblems and Wit in the Hispanic Baroque according to Baltasar Gracian
Pablo Restrepo-Gautier

12. The Baroque as Paradox: Novelty and Printed Courtly Sermons in Seventeenth- and Eighteenth-Century New Spain
Perla Chinchilla Pawling

13. The Literary Dream in Queretaro: A Baroque Genre and Enlightenment Ideals in New Spain
Beatriz de Alba-Koch


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Hispanic history; literarure; art history; Spanish monarchy; art in Latin America; Baroque; Ibero-American; transatlantic; architecture; painting; sculpture; musicology; reliquaries; New Spain; early modern Spain