Decline of British Industrial Hegemony

Decline of British Industrial Hegemony

Bengal Industries 1914-46

Ray, Indrajit

Taylor & Francis Ltd






15 a 20 dias


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1. Introduction. 2. Britain's Imperium in India and the Embarrassment of Its Currency.3. Questions in Coal Mining: Productivity, Transportation and Marketing. 4. Iron-smelting and Its Downstreams: The Take-off Stage. 5. Progress in Jute Processing: Challenges and Opportunities. 6. Problems of Paper-making: Marketing, Raw materials and Technology. 7. Tales of Tea processing: Plantation on the Himalayan Slopes. 8. Major Industries in 1914-46: A summary. List of figures. List of tables. Foreword. Preface.
Output Elasticities;TFP Growth;Jute Processing;Jute Manufacturing;Technical Regress;Labour Hoarding;Raw Jute;Tea Processing;Bengal's Jute;Bengal's Jute Industry;India's Currency Policies;Gunny Cloth;Company's Rupees;Indian Jute Mills Association;Sicca Rupee;Bamboo Pulp;Pig Iron;Home Charges;Indian Tea;Silver Rupees;Indian Mills;Low Work Effort;South African Coal;Positive TFP Growth;Indian Coal