Crusade of 1456

Crusade of 1456

Texts and Documentation in Translation

Mixson, James D.

University of Toronto Press






15 a 20 dias


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Historical Frames: Political and Military Developments
Sources in Scholarly Context: The Middle Ages, the Crusades, and the Problem of "Lateness"
Framing the Sources: Selection, Structure, and Significance

Part One: Preparations for Crusade, 1453-1456

1. Pope Nicholas V, Etsi Ecclesia Christi
2. Aeneas Silvius Piccolomini, Constantinopolitana Clades
3. Correspondence of 1455-1456
4. Liturgy for Taking the Cross
5. A Pope's Call to Prayer
6. Pope Callixtus III, Omnipotentis dei misericordia

Part Two: The Earliest Accounts

7. John of Capistrano to Pope Callixtus III
8. John of Capistrano to Pope Callixtus III
9. John Hunyadi to Denis Szecsi, Archbishop of Esztergom
10. John Hunyadi to Ladislaus Garai, Palatine of Hungary
11. John Hunyadi to King Ladislaus Posthumous
12. John of Tagliacozzo to James of the Marches
13. John of Capistrano to Pope Callixtus III

Part Three: News and Propaganda

14. Ambassador of the Bishop of Sibenik to Callixtus III
15. Cardinal Juan Carvajal to Francesco Sforza
16. Letters of John Goldener
17. Ladislaus Posthumous to Duke Francesco Sforza of Milan
18. The City of Nuremberg to the City of Weissenburg
19. Pope Callixtus III to Francesco Sforza, Duke of Milan
20. Letters of Bernard of Kraiburg
21. Callixtus III, Letter to Juan Soler
22. Anonymous (Pseudo-John of Capistrano), to all Christians
23. Anonymous, Letter to Henry of Eckenfelt
24. Liturgical Commemorations of Belgrade

Part Four: John of Tagliacozzo's The Story of the Victory of Belgrade

25. John of Tagliacozzo, The Story of the Victory of Belgrade

Part Five: Memoir and Chronicle

26. Thomas Ebendorfer, Chronica Austriae
27. Laonikos Chalkokondyles, The Histories
28. Michael Kritopuoulos (Kritovulos), History of Mehmed the Conqueror
29. Jacopo da Promontorio, Recollecta
30. Asikpasazade, Memories and Chronicles of the House of Osman
31. John Thurocz, Chronicle of the Hungarians
32. Tursun Beg, History of the Conqueror
33. The Oxford Anonymous Chronicle
34. Konstantin Mihailovic, Memoirs


General Timeline
The Crusade of 1456


Central and Southeastern Europe, c. 1450
The Siege and Relief of Belgrade, 1456
The City and Fortress of Belgrade, c. 1450
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Crusades; medieval history; military history; primary sources in translation; Siege of Belgrade; 1456; John Hunyadi; Sultan Mehmed II; John of Capistrano; Ottoman Empire; Byzantine; Turkish army; Constantinople