Challenges of Public Procurement Reforms

Challenges of Public Procurement Reforms

Castelli, Annalisa; Piga, Gustavo; Tatrai, Tuende; Saussier, Stephane

Taylor & Francis Ltd






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List of figures. List of tables. List of contributors. Preface. Foreword: The OECD's work on Public Procurement: Reshaping the global agenda. Part I Life-cycle costing in public procurement. 1 Life-cycle costing in public procurement: Colloquium. 2 Life-cycle thinking in EU public procurement: Moving beyond a simple 'buzz word'. 3 LCC and GPP: Competing or complementary approaches? Part II Calculating costs and savings of public procurement 4 Calculating the costs and savings of public procurement: Colloquium 5 Challenges and methods for cost analysis in public procurement: Lessons from the procurement of public transportation services in the Stockholm region 6 Reference prices and Italian spending review Part III Corruption and probity in public procurement 7 Corruption and probity in public procurement: Colloquium 8 Challenges in public procurement: Corruption and probity in public procurement 9 Municipal procurement of social care - opportunistic behavior opportunities Part IV Public procurement and international trade agreements: CETA, TTIP and beyond 10 Public procurement and international trade agreements - CETA, TTIP and beyond: Colloquium 11 Growing significance of regional trade agreements in opening public procurement 12 Transatlantic trade and public procurement openness: Going beyond the tip of the iceberg. Index.
EU Public Procurement;Public Procurement;TTIP Negotiation;public purchase;Public Procurement Reforms;Life Cycle Costing;Contracting Authority;Calculating Costs and Savings of Public Procurement;Public Administrations;Corruption and Probity in Public Procurement;LCC;International Trade Agreements;TTIP;CETA;Price Quality Ratio;Life Cycle Costs;European Public Procurement Directives;Award Criteria;economic literature;LCC Calculation;Procurement Markets;life-cycle costing;Danish Environmental Protection Agency;Sustainable Public Procurement;Life Cycle Thinking;Adult Social Care Services;Sustainable Procurement;Award Procedures;Opening Public Procurement;Passive Waste;EU Rule;Direct Procurement;EU Level;Public Procurement Law