Caribbean Blue Economy

Caribbean Blue Economy

McConney, Patrick; Mahon, Robin; Clegg, Peter; Oxenford, Hazel A.

Taylor & Francis Ltd






15 a 20 dias


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1 The Blue Economy as a global initiative

Pawan G. Patil, John Virdin and Charles S. Colgan

2 Blue Economy opportunities and challenges for the Wider Caribbean

Peter Clegg, Robin Mahon, Patrick McConney and Hazel A. Oxenford

3 The Blue Economy winners and losers in the Wider Caribbean

Nicole Leotaud, Alexander Girvan and Sasha Jattansingh

4 The State of Marine Ecosystems that Support Blue Economies in the Wider Caribbean

Hazel A. Oxenford and Robin Mahon

5 Implications of climate change for Blue Economies in the Wider Caribbean

Michael A. Taylor, Mona K. Webber, Tannecia S. Stephenson, Felicia S. Whyte

6 The role of coastal and marine planning in achieving Blue Economies

Lorna Inniss, Lucia Fanning, Robin Mahon and Margaux Remond

7 Valuation of ecosystem services as a basis for investment in Blue Economies

Peter W. Schuhmann

8 National ocean governance as a foundation for blue economic development

Patrick McConney and Sanya Compton

9 Regional ocean governance: An imperative for addressing Blue Economy challenges and opportunities in the Wider Caribbean

Lucia Fanning and Robin Mahon

10 Fisheries as a key component of Blue Economies in the Wider Caribbean

Hazel A. Oxenford and Patrick McConney

11 Tourism in the Caribbean and the Blue Economy - Can the two be aligned?

Peter Clegg, Janice Cumberbatch and Karima Degia

12 The role of shipping and marine transport in developing Blue Economies

David Jean-Marie

13 Renewable energy: an emerging Blue Economy sector

Indra Haraksingh

14 Is there a future for the oil and gas sector within the Caribbean's Blue Economy?

Anthony T. Bryan

15 The future of deep-seabed minerals and marine genetic resources in Blue Economies

Laleta Davis-Mattis

16 The role of waste management in underpinning the Blue Economy

Christopher Corbin

17 Financing the Blue Economy in the Wider Caribbean

Justin Ram and Donna Kaidou-Jeffrey

18 Limits and opportunities in supporting the Blue Economy - A diplomat's view

Sir Ronald Sanders

19 The Blue Economy in the Wider Caribbean: what is possible, what is probable and what is not

Robin Mahon, Hazel A. Oxenford, Patrick McConney and Peter Clegg
Blue Economy;Marine Genetic Resources;large-scale tourism;SDG.;blue economy initiative;Marine Spatial Planning;climate change;Caribbean Catastrophe Risk Insurance Facility;Caribbean's region blue economy;Caribbean SIDS;ecosystem services;Ocean Policy;EEZs;Deep Seabed Minerals;Marine Governance;Wider Caribbean;Civil Society;Marine Protected Areas;SIDS;Land Based Sources;Regional Ocean Governance;Sea Water;Spiny Lobster;Cruise Ship Tourism;Socio-economic Development;Marine Planning;United Nations General Assembly Resolution;Small Scale Fisheries;National Ocean Policies;Central American Integration System