Brexit Policy Fiasco

Brexit Policy Fiasco

Richardson, Jeremy; Rittberger, Berthold

Taylor & Francis Ltd






15 a 20 dias


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Introduction - Brexit: simply an omnishambles or a major policy fiasco?

Jeremy Richardson and Berthold Rittberger

1. Narrative genres of Brexit: the Leave campaign and the success of romance

Alexander Spencer and Kai Oppermann

2. Explanations for the Brexit policy fiasco: near-impossible challenge, leadership failure or Westminster pathology?

Allan McConnell and Simon Tormey

3. Can't get no learning: the Brexit fiasco through the lens of policy learning

Claire A. Dunlop, Scott James and Claudio M. Radaelli

4. Divided they fail: the politics of wedge issues and Brexit

Tim Heinkelmann-Wild, Lisa Kriegmair, Berthold Rittberger and Bernhard Zangl

5. Political, process and programme failures in the Brexit fiasco: exploring the role of policy deception

Darrin Baines, Sharron Brewer and Adrian Kay

6. The Brexit car crash: using E.H. Carr to explain Britain's choice to leave the European Union in 2016

Justin O. Frosini and Mark F. Gilbert

7. No match made in heaven. Parliamentary sovereignty, EU over-constitutionalization and Brexit

Susanne K. Schmidt
Este título pertence ao(s) assunto(s) indicados(s). Para ver outros títulos clique no assunto desejado.
UK's Withdrawal;Britain's exit;UK's Administration;Brexit Referendum;UK's Membership;British policy fiasco;Policy Fiascos;Domestic political dynamics;UK's Electoral Commission;Deal Brexit;EU Integration Process;EU Law;UK Vote;Remain Camp;Electoral Commission;EU Citizen;UK Polity;EU's Legislative Process;Wedge Issues;Blame Attributions;Withdrawal Agreement;Conservative MPs;Leave Option;External Conditionality;Gove 2016a;Vote Leave;Leave Campaign;Policy Deception;UK's Accession