Textiles of Medieval Iberia

Textiles of Medieval Iberia

Cloth and Clothing in a Multi-Cultural Context

Barrigon, Dr Maria; Marin, Professor Manuela; Mateus, Susana; Owen-Crocker, Gale R; Hernando, Dr Maximo Diago; Barrigon, Dr Maria; Sequeira, Dr Joana; Fabregas, Professor Adela; Ben-Yehuda, Na?um; Ben-Yehuda, Na?um

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Maria Barrigon, Na?um Ben-Yehuda, Gale R. Owen-Crocker and Joana Sequeira

I The Historical Background/Context

1 From the Five Kingdoms to the Hispanic Monarchy: Political Structures, Ideology and Historical Development in the Medieval Iberian Peninsula (1157-1504)
David Nogales Rincon

II Techniques, Trade and Industry

2 Textile Techniques in the Iberian Peninsula (Thirteenth to Fourteenth Centuries)
Maria Barrigon

3 Cloth Tade in the Iberian Kingdoms during the Late Middle Ages
Maximo Diago Hernando

4 Textiles in the Crown of Aragon: Production, Commerce, Consumption
German Navarro Espinach

5 The Textile Industry in al-Andalus
Adela Fabregas

6 Flax, Wool and Silk: Textile Industries in Medieval Portugal
Joana Sequeira

III Social Context

7 Dress as a Language: A Survey of ArabicTexts from al-Andalus
Manuela Marin

8 Muslim Dress in Medieval Portugal: Textual Evidence in the Context of the Iberian Peninsula
?Maria Filomena Lopes de Barros

9 Medieval Castilian Garments and their Arabic Names
Dolores Serrano-Niza

10 Clothing, Furnishings and Ceremonies at the Castilian Court (c. 1214?c. 1332)
Maria Barrigon

11 Fabrics and Attire at the Court of Navarre in the Second Half of the Fourteenth Century
Merche Oses Urricelqui

12 Textile Production and Jewish Clothing in the Iberian Peninsula: Characteristics, Customs and Differences between Catalan and Other Jewish Communities
Esperanca Valls Pujol

13 Silk as Reflected in Medieval Iberian Jewish Literature
Na?um Ben-Yehuda

14 The Garment and the Difference: The Attire of Portuguese Jews and New Christians (Conversos) during the Thirteenth to Fifteenth centuries
Susana Bastos Mateus

Index of Persons and Places
Index of Textile terms
Textiles; Medieval Iberian Peninsula; Spain; Portugal; Christian; Jewish; Muslim communities; clothing; dress; material culture; international context; Islamic silks; ethnic diversity; court dress; power; patronage; utilitarian textiles; Muslim dress; Jewish dress; historical documents; artwork