Technology, Governance and Respect for the Law

Technology, Governance and Respect for the Law

Pictures at an Exhibition

Brownsword, Roger

Taylor & Francis Ltd






15 a 20 dias


Preliminaries 1. Invitation 2. A Guide to the Exhibition A. Technology, Governance and Respect for the Law 3. The Main Exhibits 4. Law and its Discontents B. Side Gallery I 5. Contracts, Consumers, and Commerce 6. Back to the Main Exhibits C. Side Gallery II 7. Criminal Law and Criminal Justice 8. Back to the Main Exhibits D. Side Gallery III 9. Biolaw and Bioethics 10. Back to the Main Exhibits E. Side Gallery IV 11. Information Law 12. Back to the Main Exhibits F. Side Gallery V 13. Constitutional Law 14. Back to the Main Exhibits G. After the Exhibition 15. Reflections on Law's Governance: Prospectus, Promise, and Performance 16. The Law of the Global Commons 17. The Laws of the Communities 18. Respect Relaxed, Respect Reimagined 19. Long Story Told Short
Constitutional Law;Information Law;Abortion Rights;Bioethics;Biolaw;International Court;Preventive Justice;Criminal Justice;Criminal Law;Drugs;Contract Law;Side Gallery;Holding;Follow;Global Commons;Violated;Main Gallery;Smart Machines;Stacks;Young Man;NIPT;GDPR;EU's Charter;Push Back;Refocus;UK Biobank;Information Societies;Law's Governance;Fourth Picture;European Patent Convention;UK Supreme Court;UK's National Interest;Human Social Existence;UK's Human Right