Sport, Bodily Culture and Classical Antiquity in Modern Greece

Sport, Bodily Culture and Classical Antiquity in Modern Greece

Papakonstantinou, Zinon; Fournaraki, Eleni

Taylor & Francis Ltd





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1. Prologue: Sport, Bodily Culture and Classical Antiquity in Modern Greece Zinon Papakonstantinou 2. From Antiquity to Olympic Revival: Sports and Greek National Historiography (Nineteenth - Twentieth Centuries) Christina Koulouri 3. Bodies that Differ: Mid- and Upper-Class Women and the Quest for 'Greekness' in Female Bodily Culture (1896-1940) Eleni Fournaraki 4. 'Resurrecting' Ancient Bodies: The Tragic Chorus in Prometheus Bound and Suppliant Women at the Delphic Festivals in 1927 and 1930 Antonis Glytzouris 5. Rallying the Nation: Sport and Spectacle Serving the Greek Dictatorships Gonda Van Steen 6. Fanning the Flame: Transformations of the 2004 Olympic Flame Eleana Yalouri 7. Epilogue: New Directions in Classical Reception, Sport and the Body in Modern Greece Zinon Papakonstantinou
panathenaic;stadium;delphic;festival;greek;olympic;games;angelos;sikelianos;flame;Panathenaic Stadium;Delphi Festivals;Professional Physical Education Instructor;Hellenic Olympic Committee;Ancient Greece;Greek Sport;Greek National Historiography;Junta;Military Junta;Ancient Dances;Greek Nation State;Greek Dance;Angelos Sikelianos;Torch Relay;Female Bodily Culture;Modern Greek Folk;Greek National History;Olympic Flame;Flame Lighting Ceremony;Tragic Chorus;Ancient Greek Sport;Modern Sports Movement;Young Men;Flame's Oscillation;VIP Section