

Greenidge, C.W.W.

Taylor & Francis Ltd






15 a 20 dias


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Part 1. The Facts, 1. Slavery, its Genesis and Definition, 2. The Treatment of Slaves, 3. Chattel Slavery Today, 4. Slaving Trading Today, 5. The Attitude of Islam, 6. Debt Bondage, 7. Serfdom or Peonage, 8. The Sale of Women into Marriage, 9. The Sham Adoption of Children, Part 2. The Fight, 10. Slave Charities, 11. The Anti-Slavery Movement: Slave Trading, 12. The Anti-Slavery Movement: Slavery Itself, 13. The Anti-Slavery Society, 14. International Action Before the League of Nations, 15. The League of Nations and After, 16. Action by the United Nations, 17. What Remains to be Done, Appendices, 1. The Brussels Act of 1890, 2. The Slavery Convention of 1926, 3. The Supplementary Convention of 1956
Modern Slavery;Slavery around the world;Slavery in the Twentieth Century;Slavery today;The legacy of slavery;Temporary Slavery Commission;Chattel;Hold;Brussels Act;Slavery Convention;Pledges;Slave Trade;African Slave Trade;Granville Sharp;Payment;French West Africa;Younger Men;Head Of The Family;Chattel Slavery;Mui Tsai;Victor Schoelcher;Supplementary Convention;Anti-slavery Movement;Lord Lugard;Republic Of Liberia;Involuntary Servitude;Moslem States;Unlimited;League Advisory Committee;Conferred