Sex, Violence, and Early Christian Texts

Sex, Violence, and Early Christian Texts

Fox, Arminta; Baldrick-Morrone, Tara; Collins-Elliott, Jennifer; Hartman, Midori; Leary Francis, LaToya M.; Vanden Eykel, Eric; Cobb, Christy; Bonar, Chance E.; Cobb, Christy; Vanden Eykel, Eric

Lexington Books






15 a 20 dias

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Christy Cobb and Eric Vanden Eykel

1. Sexual Slander and Moral Supremacy in the Elenchos

Tara Baldrick-Morrone

2. Danaids and Dirces in Roman Corinth: Sexualized Violence and Imperial Spectacle in 1 Clement

Chance E. Bonar

3. Euclia's Story: Coordinated Sexual Assault, Violence, and Willfulness in the Acts of Andrew"

Christy Cobb

4. "Guardians of Chastity and Companions in Suffering": The Didactic and Rhetorical Function of Rape Threats in Ambrose of Milan

Jennifer Collins-Elliott

5. Corinthian Concerns and Textual Assault

Arminta Fox

6. Sexual Violence, Martyrdom, and Enslavement in Augustine's Letter 111

Midori Hartman

7. Virginity, Bestiality, and Virtue in Sozomen's Account of the Attack of the Consecrated Virgins of Heliopolis

LaToya M. Leary Francis

8. Tertullian of Carthage, Sexualized Violence, and the "Abjection" of the Female Flesh

Travis W. Proctor

9. Paul Trading Barbs: Sexual Invective as Gendered Violence

Joshua M. Reno

10. Ambivalent Wedding Imagery in Matthew's Jerusalem Narrative

Laura Robinson

11. Virgin Acts: Blinding, Castration, & the Violence of Male Chastity

Jeannie Sellick

12. Assaulting the Virgin: How the Protevangelium of James Hides Sexual Violence

Eric Vanden Eykel

13. Five Husbands: Slut-Shaming the Samaritan Woman

Meredith J. C. Warren

14. Revelation Naturalizes Sexual Violence and Readers Erase It: Unveiling the Son of God's Rape of Jezebel

Stephen Young

About the Contributors
Early Christianity;Rape;Sex abuse;Sexual assault;Violence