Sacred and Liturgical Renaissance Music

Sacred and Liturgical Renaissance Music

Kirkman, Andrew

Taylor & Francis Ltd





15 a 20 dias

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Contents: Introduction; Part I The Franco-Flemish Tradition From the 15th to the Early 16th Century: Music for the papal chapel in the early 15th century, Alejandro Enrique Planchart; Petrus de Domarto's Missa Spiritus almus and the early history of the 4-voice mass in the 15th century, Rob C. Wegman; Agricola and the rhizome: an aesthetic of the late cantatusfirmus mass, Fabrice Fitch; Symbol and ritual in Josquin's Missa di Dadi, Michael Long; Ludochus de Picardia and Jossequin Lebloitte dit Desprez: the names of the singer(s), Lora Matthews and Paul Merkley; The invention of the cyclic mass, Andrew Kirkman. Part II 16th-Century Italy: Competence and incompetence in the papal choir in the age of Palestrina, Richard Sherr; Gioseffo Zarlino and the Miserere tradition: a Ferrarese connection?, Katelijne Schiltz; Architectural spaces for music: Jacopo Sansovino and Adrian Willaert at St Mark's, Laura Moretti. Part III The German Tradition: 'So loblich, costlich und herlich, das darvon nit ist ze schreiben': Der Auftritt der Kantorei Maximilians I bei den Exequien fA1/4r Phillipp den SchA?enen auf dem Reichstag zu Konstanz, Franz KA?rndle; Ludwig Senfl and the Munich choirbooks: the Emperor's or the Duke's?, Birgit Lodes; Politische Zentren als musikalische Peripherie? Probleme einer musikhistorischen Topographie im deutschen Nordwestern des 15 und 16 Jahrhunderts, Laurenz LA1/4tteken; The Joseph story as told by Orlando di Lasso, Don HarrA!n. Part IV England: 'As it was in the beginning': organ and choir pitch in early Anglican church music, Andrew Johnstone; Pictura et scriptura: the Eton Choirbook in its iconographical context, Magnus Williamson; 'Notes as a garland': the chronology and narrative of Byrd's Gradualia, Kerry McCarthy. Part V Spain: CristA (3)bal de Morales in Toledo, 1545-6: ToleBC 25 and 'new' works by Morales, Guerrero, Lobo, Tejeda and Ambiela, Michael Noone; CristA (3)bal de Morales: a problem of musical mysticism and national identity in the historiography of the Renaissance, Emilio Ros-FA!bregas; Name index.
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