Rural Disease Knowledge

Rural Disease Knowledge

Anthropological and Historical Perspectives

Lynteris, Christos; Duarte da Silva, Matheus Alves

Taylor & Francis Ltd





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1. Introduction: The Scales, Subjects and Politics of Rural Disease Knowledge

Matheus Alves Duarte da Silva and Christos Lynteris

2. Demarcating the "Field" of Field Epidemiology in Nineteenth and Twentieth Century Britain

Jacob Steere-Williams

3. Extracting Blood, Flies, and Ideas: David and Mary Bruce, Vernacular Experts, and Unakane in Rural Zululand c. 1880s-1900s

Jules Skotnes-Brown

4. Yaws: Medicine and Propaganda in Rural Java, 1911-1942

Maurits Bastian Meerwijk

5. Salvador Mazza and Chagas Disease in Argentina: The Epistemic and Political Reshaping of a Controversial Rural Disease, 1926-1946

Juan Pablo Zabala

6. The Epidemiological and Epistemic Emergence of "Rural Plague" in Argentina

Christos Lynteris

7. From the City to the Jungle: Yellow Fever and the Remaking of Alliances Among Living Things

Gregg Mitman

8. An International Crossroads: Plague, Rural Knowledge, and Epidemiological Reasoning in the Brazilian Backlands (1939-1965)

Matheus Alves Duarte da Silva

9. Unnecessary Adversaries amidst War: Biomedical and Non-Biomedical Approaches to Leishmaniasis in Rural Colombia

Lina Beatriz Pinto-Garcia

10. Local Knowledge, Cattle-Human Relations and Disease Perceptions of the Agropastoralists in the Kilombero Valley, Tanzania

Caroline Mwihaki Mburu and Kathrin Heitz-Tokpa

medical anthropology;anthropology;Historical Anthropology;global health